I’m in the minority, but I love the black.
I like them too.
I like the original black with the silver pants better, but the blue helmet gives the newer version the edge.
My favorite uniform!
No. Just no. Those uniforms were an atrocity.
I like them. Largely because of the helmet.
The win against the SeaChickens in the blacks put to bed a couple curses, so I’m cool with it.
Could not agree more. The original felt off or NOT LIONS. But that electric blue helmet really makes the difference.
My favorite will likely always be the all-whites. But I reserve the right to change to the “pretend” ICE UNIFORM proposal from some brilliant human. I at one time thought it was a real option…and it should be.
Well I guess this means I’m wearing Gibbs this week. It’s the only Black uniform I own.
Not a fan of the black uniforms.
Great unis. Among my favorites.
Such a massive upgrade over the lousy gray alternates, just another thing the Sheila regime has gotten right.
That perfectly describes them.
Seriously that helmet is badass.
The helmet is gorgeous!
Hell naw that god awful black jersey and gray pants.
I’d submit that it’s not the uniforms themselves, but the memory one associates with the Millen era of Detroit football.
I would submit that it’s the uniforms themselves.
The black jerseys clash with the silver pants and silver helmet; there’s too much contrast. The only black in the helmet and pants is the thin black lines (which frankly made even the standard uniforms of the time too busy, not to mention making the Lion logo look cartoonish). It’s ultimately just slapping a black jersey in with accessories that were never designed to work with it.
And then there’s the numbers. The gradients on the borders are cool on their own, but they clash with the sharp lines everywhere else in the design. The result is that they look very out of place.
They were never going to work, because the helmets and pants were pretty awful to begin with.
Nah! It’s the uniform.
That’s one of the few actual pictures of the 3 of those guys on the field together.