Lions working through variety of options at slot cornerback

Moseley says he is back to himself after he rehabbed for his second ACL tear in as many years. He is ready to contribute at cornerback, whether inside at nickelback or on the outside in a more traditional role.

“I feel pretty good,” Moseley said. “(It’s been) almost a year and a half of really not playing. (I’m) just going back out there and trying to find myself and trying to get back in my groove but I feel pretty good.”

It feels phenomenal to be back out here because I know that I can be a part of that," Moseley said. “I just want to bring whatever I can bring to this team. Whatever the coaches ask me, I’m going to do it to the best of my ability and just be the best teammate that I can.”“If you’re trying to find a way to use your best lineup potentially as a starting point, what would you do with Moseley?” Campbell asked rhetorically. “And there was an argument, we went back and forth; Do you put him outside? Do you put him inside as a starting point? We know he can go outside and compete, but let’s give him a chance inside and see where it goes.”

Campbell said the competition at all of the secondary spots, nickel corner included, are up for grabs during training camp battles. Moseley has been rotating in the slot primarily along with free-agent acquisition Amik Robertson and second-round rookie Ennis Rakestraw Jr.

“It’s not an easy position to learn but it is one I know I can attack,” Moseley said.

Not from the article:

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Outside of Detroit, I don’t think it’s widely appreciated just how much the CB position has improved compared to the playoff roster.

This season ought to be special.


This DB room is light years better than the playoff game.

But my current feeling on the DBs based on what ive heard at camp.

CB1 - Davis, Dorsey
CB2 - Moseley, Arnold
NB - Robertson, Rakestraw
SS - Branch, Iffy
FS - Kerby, Moore

That’s actually a scary good looking DB room.
For the playoff game?

CB1 - Sutton, Dorsey
CB2 - Vildore, Gilmore
NB - Branch, Harris
SS - Iffy, CJGJ
FS - Kerby, Walker

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Dorsey starting ahead of Arnold? Really?

I bet having lots of slots around keeps all of the just out of college guys comfortable



I am thinking Gilmore is going to come into play before camp is over as well. This CB competition should be hella fun to watch.

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No. Just saying your going to have Arnold and moseley splitting time at CB2.

While dorsey is the backup.

I guess a FULL depth chart would be like.

CB1 - Davis, Moseley, Robertson, Arnold, Rakestraw, Dorsey

CB2 - same minus Davis.

NB - Branch, Robertson, Rakestraw, Moseley, Iffy.

SS - Branch, Iffy, Rakestraw, Moore

FS - Kerby, Moore, Iffy.

Branch will play nickel when theres 5 DBs. But if there is 4 DBs hell play SS.

I was reading it vertically instead of horizontally.

CB1 = Davis; Backup =Moseley
CB 2 = Arnold; Backup = Rakestraw
Nickel = Robertson; Backup = Moseley or Rakestraw

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I can see that later in the season but arnold and Rakestraw will be backups to start the season.

By mid season they may get some starts. But definitely those 2 will definitely get less than 40% of snaps combined to start the season

Obviously, the most improved position group on the team. We’ve probably jumped to top 3 in the NFL.
Saw that PFF has our defense ranked #4, right now. Largely because of the DB’s and Reader/Davenport.


If our defense ranks in the top 5 this year, it’s over for the rest of the league. We will have a chance to go undefeated.

For what it’s worth, though, I don’t think we will have a top 5 defense.

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Defense doesnt NEED to be top 5 to win a SB.

Offense stays top 5.

Defense just needs to be above average 14-8th will be more than enough.

Their rush defense was top 5 last year the pass defense was bottom 3.

Rush defense will stay at worst top 8.
Pass defense just needs to be pure average. And i think they absolutely can and will be with the improvements they made.

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Are you still doubting Arnold starting the season at CB?
Davis and Arnold are the starting CB’s.
Terrion Arnold is the starting CB2.
There is actually very little competition.
The other DB’s are competing at slot and for backup positions.


Agree with ALL of this.

I’d lean heavily toward Terrion starting at CB2 to start the season. We always read too much into anomalies in training camp. The fact is they drafted their future CB1 this year. Sure he’s young and a tad raw, but he was elite last year at Bama, was schooled by Saban, made folks forget about Kool Aid largely, was projected top 15 everywhere, was ranked the top CB in the class by many evaluators and if not for a crazy Offense heavy draft would never have been available for us at 24. You plug him and play him and eventually you’ll pay him. Because the kid is going to be really good. What an embarrassment of riches we’ve got at CB this year. Moseley is pure gravy. Same with Amik. Same with Ennis. Safety much better with Branch repping there. Look out man.

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A starting CB is the HARDEST position to play as a rookie.

I highly doubt he starts. Hes good no doubt.
But starting week 1? Highly doubt it. Gibbs is a top 5 RB. Didnt really get a lions share of the snaps till week 10.

Hell get playing time week 1. But definitely less than Moseley/ Robertson.

It would be one thing if they had no other CBs to play but Moseley and Robertson are better than Sutton and Jacobs from last year. No reason to rush the rookie

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Dont tell him or the lions that, from what i have seen/heard he has been out on the boundary with the ones and being discussed as a starter. We shall see, it does happen ie sauce, woolen, branch last year at nb… season cant get here fast enough


Oh im hoping it happens. And it very well could.

Just not willing to bet on it. Especially against stafford. Not that stafford is elite. But hes very good. And likes to air it out. Thats a lot to ask a rookie to do week 1. But well see. Im excited to see how the young man does in PS

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And, he works against St. Brown, Jamo, and LaPorta, everyday.
Everything I’ve been hearing is positive.
It would be a major upset if he didn’t start.