Looks like a Settlement was reached with Sutton for $4.2M

Was she lying? Was she roofied? How drunk was she? No one will ever know. He still had sex with an underage girl. I can understand firing someone for that. I think the Bills handled the situation well.

The Bills said they were cutting him so he could focus on handling the situation and because they couldn’t corroborate Azaria’s version or the girls version (as is often the case with alleged rapes). Neither could the police, when they were finally forced to investigate.

I also think the Lions handled their situations just fine.

Well… we DO based on the transcript of the Deputy District Attorney:

Yahoo Sports reported on Monday that a 200-page transcript of a meeting between deputy district attorney Trisha Amador and the accuser became available, and that Amador said Araiza couldn’t have led her toward the alleged gang rape because he had already “left” the party an hour earlier.

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considering how wretched he was the back half of the season and could have cost us the Rams game too with that uncalled hold on Puka, getting rid of him and half his cap charge back is a net bonus


Doesn’t mean she was lying, she could have been mistaken from being drunk, impaired, roofied.

I don’t know man. When you are saying THIS guy led me upstairs and participated in a gang rape ambush and then are uh… mistaken?! Sorry but eff that! Not victim shaming as I know it’s horrible for legit victims, but let’s not forget that she consented to sex with Azaria and then he left the party. Creepy, but 20 year old banging a willing 18 year old at a college party… I know I didn’t check ID’s back then.

I didn’t either, but I also know there were times I was so hammered, I didn’t recall the prior nights events correctly.

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There were comments by witnesses (female friends, even) that really made the “victim” a very UNsympathetic person. She was on a mission.

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Do you remember when you used the bank machine? :joy:

Drunk ■■■■■■ Up GIF


According to prosecutors - the people who were trying to build a case against Araiza - the accuser’s story was inconsistent with the facts as presented by literally (as in literally literally, not figuratively literally) every other person at that party.

According to the disposition of the girl’s friend who went to the party with her, the accuser was going up to guys and saying stuff like, “If you don’t f@ck me, you’re a p&ssy” and bragging to her about taking a guy in the closet (or something like that; I’m going by memory here).

This chick was at a college party, working hard to get some dong. I don’t doubt that she could have gotten in over her head thinking she could handle some rough stuff, and I’m pretty sure she wanted to Ctrl-Z that shit afterwards.

However, basically every piece of evidence and account given points to her version of events being totally fabricated. It’s about as cut-and-dry as a situation like this can get.

Those who continue to maintain that Araiza somehow deserved what he got are doing basically the same thing as saying a rape victim was asking for it because of what she was wearing.

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Where’s the deposition? So a minor was hammered and saying that? Sometimes you have to use some common sense.

Look at the link @3rdRGR posted.

So your big hangup is that she was 17?

She was at a college party. Witnesses state she was telling everyone she was 18. He was 21 at the time. Was he supposed to ask for her birth certificate? Is the few months until she turned 18 really that important of a detail here?

I don’t understand how you think any of this justifies what he was put through.

He made a very poor decision. He had sex with a 17 year old and when the police/prosecutor finally investigated, they didn’t find enough proof to charge him (as is the case with most alleged rapes). He should have used common sense.

The ripped piercings and bruises suggest that something forceful happened that night. What, when and with who, who knows, but I do feel bad for the girl.

This is what I think. Some of posters here seem to suggest that it’s normal and ok and not a red flag based on his decisions.

Was the cost for him
Too high ?

His stakes as nfl player only go up

Well, yeah, but you probably also didn’t try to take someone’s livelyhood and reputation from them by declaring they did something that they didn’t do. She did and though being wasted isn’t an gang rape invitation, it’s not exactly the best situation to put yourself in. Now, she could have had one sip of Boonsfarm and someone roofied her. Ultimately if I’m reading AZ law correctly the age of consent is 18, but they have a “Romeo and Juliette” law where the guy can be as old as 19 and the girl as young as 15, but they can only be 2 years apart and be consenting partners. Azaria did not qualify for that, so outside of that, age of consent is 18 which she wasn’t - So where was the rape charge?

Please don’t misunderstand, as I do too. I think she was gang raped by the guys still under investigation. They should go to jail. The punter was guilty of not checking an ID and apparently did nothing forceful to the girl. I’m just against reactionary discipline prior to the facts coming to light.

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Age of consent in New York is 17. Only 10 states consider 17 “underage.” The rest have various versions of 15-16-17. And of those 10 that have the age of consent set at 18…3 of those would have deemed her age legal due to the small gap between her age and his age at the time.

If my company fired a 30 year old man because they found out that when he was in college he had sex with a 17 year old when he was 21…I would look at my company sideways. Not him.

Especially if she’s lying about her age. Put enough makeup on a 17 year old… shit some look 25 or older. Back in the college days I worked at a bar checking ID’s and bouncing. I had no freaken idea how old these chicks were. I’m sure lots of them were just handing me their older sisters ID and walking in way under age. I’d catch a few here and there but it was difficult. Plus it didn’t pay much so I really didn’t care much. Come on in. :joy:

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…a girl slutting it up at a frat party. On the continuum of bad decisions, that’s on the level of smoking weed or watching soccer.

According to prosecutors, there’s a video of that particular sex act (ick), they found no evidence of rape, and Araiza wasn’t involved in that at all.

Seriously, read the article linked above. You’re making ill-informed statements when there’s information available at your fingertips.

I agree with that, but at the same time I had the opportunity to bang a young girl where I said, that’s probably not a good idea. Azaria should have said that.

Most states you can fire anyone at anytime as long as it’s not against the law (i.e. race, age, sex). I’m not 100% sure what you are trying to say here.

I would definitely look at him sideways.

I read it, I also saw pictures of the bruises and ripped piercing’s. Maybe you should get all the facts before passing judgement.

Bu the time I was done partying, I had to check My Own ID to remember who I was.

El Toro is undefeated