Looks like a Settlement was reached with Sutton for $4.2M

I have seen girls younger than 17 that could pull it off. The only reason I knew they were younger is because I was friends with their older sister or brother and they were tagging along. “This is my younger sister Katie that I have told a few stories about.” Then I do the math on how old I was told Katie is vs the person that is standing in front of me. If she were hanging out with other people her age it might be easier to spot. But hanging out with our group she’s going to blend in alot better than I am comfortable with.

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Okay, so what part of this an I misinterpreting? Again remember these are the prosecutors and law enforcement - people who have a vested interest in finding a crime.

The timeline prosecutors pieced together suggested that this encounter occurred at 12:55 a.m., about a half-hour after Araiza had left the house. This incident occurred on a living room sofa with one of the football players who was also named in the civil lawsuit. Parts of this encounter were filmed on a cell phone. Prosecutors said the footage from the cell phone did not suggest any forced behavior.

“There’s nothing in the videos that sound like you’re saying ‘stop’ or ‘this hurts’ or anything like that,” Ted Mansour, an investigator for the San Diego County district attorney’s office, said at the meeting.

On the topic of her age…

Other witnesses said the girl was telling people she was 18.

"A witness who was in the house gave a statement saying that at — at least one point in the party, that you made a statement telling people at the party you were 18,” Amador explained to the accuser. “Another witness at the party, a different one, says that they specifically heard you say you were 18 …”

There was additional evidence cited by Amador from a recording from a party the night before at a different residence in which the girl says on camera that she is 18.

Regarding her supposed drunkenness…

Witness interviews from the party, including two of the girl’s friends with whom she arrived, said she didn’t appear to be drunk at the time.

“Again, you’re not intoxicated at this point that anybody would know your intoxication level to the point that they would not be able to tell that you weren’t able to give consent,” Amador (the prosecutors) said.

The prosecutors explaining to the accuser what witnesses (including her friends) said about the sexual encounter with Araiza:

“The witnesses say … that shortly after you arrived at the party, you left and came back shortly thereafter,” Amador said. “And you told [a friend], ‘I just had sex.’ … You didn’t appear unhappy. You appeared to be having fun and that the encounter on the side of the house with Matt, suspect Araiza, was consensual."

What the investigation showed about the girl’s overall attitude and approach to sex was that evening:

Amador explained to the girl that additional witness testimony alleged that at this period of time, “you were approaching men at the party saying, ‘I want you to [expletive] me, and if you don’t [expletive] me, you’re a [expletive].”

Prosecutors said that “shortly after” being with Araiza, witnesses said the girl again left her group and came back to report that she had had sex with a different man. Again, prosecutors explained, witnesses suggested it was consensual.

"You had returned and then came back and said you had sex with a guy, this would have been the second person that would have been in the progression of the evening,” Amador said. “Again, you’re described as being OK, not scared or distraught. Seemed happy, seemed consensual.

I can’t for the life of me understand how, after reading this, your conclusion can logically be that Araiza did anything wrong, let alone something so wrong that the treatment he received was justified.

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Just because there isn’t enough proof to prosecute, doesn’t mean there wasn’t a crime. 90% of rapes don’t get prosecuted because it usually boils down to a he said, she said.

Again, ripped out piercings and bruising suggests there was a crime committed.

Was Azaria involved with the assault, probably not . . . but someone was.

People can appear sober even though they aren’t. Was she on drugs?

Azaria didn’t use common sense. Just because a young girl you never met before follows you into the bushes, doesn’t mean you have to bang her. Most semi intelligent people would realize that something isn’t right. For some reason the police never bothered to investigate it, which was confirmed by the alleged assailants. as they said they were never questioned. If the police had done there job to begin with, maybe Azaria wouldn’t have been put through the ordeal he was.

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When I went to my orientation at NYU, summer before my freshman year, they pulled every male student there into a room for twenty minutes and explained the minutia of New York State rape and consent laws and laid out the road map as to how they would handle allegations of sexual misconduct. Back then as a bunch of 18 year olds we all thought it was kind of weird, but within a few years I had a great appreciation for their transparency and directness.

I have a hard time believing these sorts of things aren’t hammered into the heads of college and pro athletes.

I don’t know, man. Muffed punts are never a good thing!


So that’s not a bad decision by the punter ?
The level of smoking weed ?

Possible STds , a baby and charges that may or may not stick

Imo that’s a lot more than smoking weed. As well as being a cautionary tale of why one wouldn’t do what the punter did.

It’s not a choice every guy will make - and can be used as a cautionary tale for people in that situation too.

Maybe weed isn’t a crime. But I never saw weird shit like mac & cheese flavored ice cream until more people started smoking it. :rofl:


Made with zero percent mac or cheese :joy::joy:

Hard to believe some of the products out there.


I thought I found the most unlikely food combination at the Dollar Store a few years ago when I encountered Bacon flavored cotton candy. The best I can say is that I didn’t die from it.

Undetered, Imma gonna have to experience what Macaroni & Cheese ice cream has to offer. Mmmmmm…
yummy samuel l jackson GIF


Sticking one’s wiener in someone questionable is always a bad decision. Ask Steve McNair.

It’s also a bad decision that I’m sure 90+% of NFL players and probably 70+% of regular dudes have made.

It’s also totally irrelevant.

Even if Araiza was the sluttiest, least discerning poon hound out there, that doesn’t justify a fake rape accusation and loss of job with no due process.

That’s the whole point here… the NFL (and employers in general) shouldn’t be in the business of punishing people for crimes extra-judicially. There’s a reason for due process, and it shouldn’t be circumvented because the Twitter mob is impatient for blood.

This one nearly made me vomit:



Bacon flavored anything is probably good. Especially if it’s real bacon. Not simulated Gourmet Bacon flavored cat food in a can as a George Carlin would say :joy:

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But if you’re good at football… nothing to see here. Carry on playing. KC will sign you in no time. The Twitter mob only works when the player isn’t making the nfl huge money.

Well put.

Yea those deep back ground checks that reveal the character and drive it takes to be a pro

Those crazy yet inappropriate questions about their families or friends etc …

Those are ok and as a GM if you heard the story of the punter who went to the party and did this ( without charges ) you’d think he was ready to be a pro ?

  • given what you’ve reported about the story and her behavior. …

Which 70percent of the current Lions roster would you guess would do this ?

And even to your point if how many guys you think do it
Most aren’t accused of rape so
It’s quite possible they’re careful enough to know consent or lucky and learning.

I’m not defending false accusations though I’m in a boat that thinks these things can be problematic which goes to understanding the risks and decision making , maturity , impulse control when going out.

Wanna see some weird food?

Go to the Asian market. Like the real real one that has whole fish too.

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Around 5 years ago I was at a line dance event in New Orleans on Asian New Year’s Eve and went to THE Asian restaurant with a group of 40, including about 30 Taiwanese dancers. I’d had chicken feet and strange fish before, but holy hell, this was a menagerie of theoretically edible food. I tasted a lot of it and it was novel, but I don’t need to repeat it.

Beyond that, at one point, an impish English choreographer started singing Auld Lang Syne, only to be drowned by a loud chorus of the Taiwanese analogue. Fun times.


So after it’s all said and done

How much did he cost us for the 1 year he was here.

And agaisnt the cap

Chicken feet not bad at all when sauced right from my experience. The Asians can make delicious food out of almost anything.

I really miss fried and baked duck. So frickin good

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