Looks like a Settlement was reached with Sutton for $4.2M

That sounds amazing, though you had me at chicken feet. Love them. So good

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I think technically they are chicken paws

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Lions got off cheap to get rid of that clown. He was so bad.

I’m only guessing here, I will always defer this to the capmaster @DeadStroke
we paid him a salary of 1.2M, we have a dead cap hit on him this year of 4.2M
To me the math says he cost us 5.4M
It could have been worse!


Settlement has not been reached. Sutton has filed a grievance against the Lions voiding his guarantees, which automatically means that the Lions carry 40% of the guarantees on the cap until an arbitrator makes a judgement.

TLDR - the Lions have not reached a settlement with Sutton

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Lets hope the arbitrator tosses the appeal (out the window)

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Sutton’s hired the best, we’re in trouble.


i see what you did there futurama GIF

That dude sucks… all he got Kramer was free lattes for life :joy:

Michael Richards Yes GIF


So he chokes out his ladyfriend at 3am, runs from the cops. Hides out in Detroit pretending nothing happened for a week or 2. Then leaves the Lions facility, gets released, refuses to turn himself for 2 more weeks. Now wants his money back. What a world we live in.


I don’t think the money really mattered either way when they cut him. If they get some relief, then it’s just a bonus. The second he hit his girlfriend, his Lions career was over, regardless of how money played into it.

Zero tolerance is zero tolerance. There is no grey area.

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I hate to say it… but if Sutton was a lockdown corner I don’t know about that.

For example if St. Brown did something really stupid or bad, we cutting him right away or waiting it out.


You left off an important aspect.
He pleaded down to a misdemeanor and was accepted into a pre-trial diversion program.
Diversion programs are designed for first time offenders and will usually wipe the entire incident from the persons record once completed.
It will be interesting to see what penalty the NFL will hand out to Sutton.
If the alleged victim won’t cooperate with the NFL investigation what do they have other than a misdemeanor charge.
Is it a crime to take your time turning yourself in on an arrest warrant?
It definitely wasn’t a good look for the league.
Maybe that is enough to get a small suspension.
The Lions can probably only hope to get a portion of the guarantee waived.

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If the girl got tossed, the money is lost. If the girl got choked, no bucks for the bloke. Case closed.
oj simpson 90s GIF


The gloves don’t fit because he’s wearing other gloves underneath for the love of God… how obvious was that. :joy: I was pointing that out when I was 12 years old for crying out loud.

chris farley cinema supremo GIF


But that doesn’t rhyme. How could you expect anyone to listen to you?

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Haha my grade 6 teacher wasn’t buying it. We literally watched the OJ Simpson trial during school hours. Still have no idea what an American murder trial has to do with a 6th grade Canadian education but it explains why I suck at Math :joy:

This is why due process is important. I don’t disagree with the Lions cutting him, but in terms of his guarantees he’s well within his rights to go after what was promised to him.

Good point about the warrant as well. I doubt it is a crime or an exacerbating action to wait before turning yourself in. A lot of people on here decided that because there was a warrant that would be enough to void the contract, but it never made any sense at all. The NFLPA and agents would never allow players to lose guarantees over cases of mistaken identity, over zealous cops or malicious false reporting, all of which could easily result in an unjustified arrest or warrant.

I suspect that with a complete lack of any evidence, since we can assume the woman in question won’t co-operate with an NFL investigation that threatens to cut off her meal ticket, Sutton will probably win this case. I don’t think it can be proportional, either his conduct fell short of what is contractually expected, in which case all guarantees are voided, or it didn’t and none are voided.

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That is playing the “what if” game, which I don’t generally do.

You are probably correct, but unless it were to happen to a good player, we can’t really say one way or another.

With all respect: That is so juvenile.

And it’s so beneath you.

Love it! Keep it up!!