Looks like Aaron Glenn is being interviewed for a DC job

Ian Rapoport reports that Glenn is in NY interviewing.

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Surprised we haven’t heard more about who we will be interviewing.

Let’s get Wade Phillips in here and get out of his way.


Looks like it won’t be Nielsen. I know some had connected some dots to him, which made sense. Looks like he’ll be staying in NO though.


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That is when Glenn interviewed for their head coach opening back on January 11.

Looks like they made him assistant head coach as well, further showing it’s a done deal that Campbell is Detroit bound.

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Glenn is the new DC for the Detroit Lions.

Time to begin feverishly googling him and rabidly arguing with each other as to whether or not this = Super Bowl.


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18s lol

bored work day GIF by ailujulia


rofl - so true. :sweat_smile:

I am constantly refreshing for Lions + cryptocurrency news. M-F, nonstop.


That was my initial prediction. It’s a risk but I kind of like it’s. Elite DB play is our nearest path to defensive respectability.

Plus no Gregg Williams.


Not a done deal.

No one followed MP here from NE. What if no one follows Campbell too?

Yep - I edited the post I made last night to show that it’s not a done deal after all.

If no one follows Campbell I guess we might as well just have a total meltdown, bet on the Lions failing miserably over the next few years and scream about how much smarter we are than the Fords. I don’t see any other rational response to any of his coaches not following him.

Kidding aside I don’t know whether or not it would actually concern me. Coaches usually do bring someone with them to their new gig, so it might be a bit concerning in that regard considering the Saints have been a successful organization. I’d like to see it, but I don’t think I’m preparing for the apocalypse if it doesn’t happen.

I do think Campbell’s success hinges largely on having quality coordinators though. Make no mistake about it…whoever they hire for OC and DC need to be solid hires. I think I’d actually prefer an experienced OC and DC over someone that would be new, excited as I’d be about Glenn.

Rapaport is now claiming its official.


I’m always excited when it comes to Lions rebuilding time. They always suck me in and take advantage of my optimistic nature. But, I was really pounding the table for experience this time around.

First, I wanted an experienced GM and they hired Holmes. Ok - I like Holmes and am excited about it. Let’s see what he can do. Plus, he has Disner, who is a rising star in the NFL and has some experience in his role, even within the Lions organization which is a plus.

Then I was really hoping they’d hire an experienced HC since they hired a green GM. They hired Campbell, who isn’t entirely green but this is his first true gig as a HC. Ok, I can live with that since he served as a HC for all intents in purposes in Miami for nearly a full season + he’s been the assistant HC to Sean Payton for 5 years and I consider Payton to be one of the top 5 coaches in the NFL. Ok - I can live with that, too.

Then, I said - Well, since these guys are a bit green they better hire coordinators with plenty of experience to run their side of the ball. Campbell isn’t a big X’s and O’s guy, so the coordinators better be.

And now they’ve hired a rookie coordinator. (gulp)

It’s fun to speculate and share our opinions and predictions. I love doing that with everyone on this message board. I have to say I fully understand why people are nervous, or getting nervous about this new regime though. I think a lot of us wanted the Lions to bring in people with experience and a history of success. That is not what we’re getting.

We need to just wait and see what happens over the next few years now.

I wonder if the OC will be someone with more experience?

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He now has deleted it. Wtf!

But there’s this

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What are you guys expecting from Glenn’s style of coaching?

As a DB specialist, do you think that’ll impact his scheme? Will he be another “coverage sack” guy, or does he want to wreck their ass up front?
more 4 DL base? 4-2-5 looks (heavy nickel)? 4-3? 3-4?

What are you guys seeing?

have i missed something—isn’t our offence cordinator still bevell-----with so much double talk reports and in put going on—i feel like i am listening to "who’s on first "----help

They might retain Bevell - no doubt about it. I’m making the presumption that Bevell, having just served as interim HC and OC under a different regime will likely be the odd man out.

Sometimes new coaches retain previous ones though. It wouldn’t be unheard of to keep Bevell. Guess we just need to wait and see.

Being how he’s never been a DC before it’s impossible to know for sure but I’ll speculate what I think might happen.

Looking at his background he’s played and coached in both 3-4 and 4-3 defenses. So it’s possible he could go either way … But most of his coaching career came in NO and I suspect he will mirror what NO did the most … so let’s talk about that.

NO runs a 4-3 base but they run a ton of sub packages. In fact they run a nickle package the most and rarely ever put 3 LBers on the field at one time. Usually you see 5 DB’s … but they do something different than most teams do with their nickel package. Especially vs strong running teams. Their 3rd LBer/DB (who is really position-less) roams. I’ve actually played this exact position in college and we called it a 4-3 monster and I was the monster when we called this.

The Monster’s job is to read and react. He doesn’t have a pre-snap position. QB’s do not know if he’s dropping in coverage or if he’s going to stay in the box for support. The Monster usually lines up in the box but he may shade to one side or the other. He may line up on the LOS or he might lined up 7 yards back. All depending on the presnap call. But your monster is usually the most versatile player you have. Often times this player is a bigger safety or lighter LBer. But you want it to be a guy with range and speed.

Post snap the Monster could have a blitz call or he could have a call to drop in coverage. But 90% of the time he’s read and react. His job is to shadow the QB and RB and read and react to the play. He could be a delayed blitz or he might be dropping into his zone. On passes his job is to get into throwing lanes and underneath routes. On Runs his job is to flow to the runner. With the emergence of the read option it’s a great way to help counter that.

But here’s the thing. If we run a NO style defense these slow LBers won’t fit. We need guys with better range and better pass coverage skills.

I think Collins can fill one role but the bottom line is we’re gonna need at least one more rangy LBer and more depth at DB.

Being how he’s a DB coach I’d expect to see more creativity than average. Keep in mind he’s played and coached in multiple schemes so he should have enough knowledge to get creative back there. T. Austin gets a bad rap as DC around here but he was very creative at disguising coverages. I hope to see that kind of creativity from Glenn.


I think if that was the Lions primary plan then they would have announced it by now.

I think that Campbell has his sights set on someone still coaching. (Maybe Mike Kafta) That’s why we haven’t heard anything and that Bevell is possibly the contingency plan.

I was kinda hoping he would target someone with prior HC experience to be his OC. That way he has someone to lean on heavily. Maybe someone like Doug Pederson or Anthony Lynn or maybe even someone like Pep Hamilton.

I just hope he doesn’t grab two coaches new to the coordinator positions. I’d like experience there.