Make Buggs an offer

He can’t refuse. He’s 26 and played this game with the one thing you can’t coach, heart.


Buggs will take 4 years and 12M all guaranteed.


how much to keep Buggs and Commish? I would think we could keep both. If only one, Buggs gets the slight edge, but both guys balled out all year.


Yup. Campbell challenged Buggs and he definitely responded. Good pick up he has been.

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Lol like shaun rodgers filling

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Cominsky over Buggs 100%. Both guys love it here and won’t be super expensive. 3 years 12mil for Buggs, 4 years 24mil for Cominsky.


I think the nose tackle is a little more important. And having him and McNeil, constantly subbing each other, it’s like there 0 drop off. Just my opinion on the D though. I could be wrong. NT little more important.

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I would rather keep Comish if it came down to it. When Comish was out our D sucked. When he came back that seemed to be around the time the defense turned around. He’s versatile and plays with a high motor. I would keep both while still trying to upgrade at DT.


Commish has deceptive burst in his game. That wont go unnoticed on scouting tape for FA.

I think he will get offers. Kinda reminds me of early Corey Redding, Lions, not the bigger version in BLT.

Houston has been playing a lot of drop coverage…weird…he really didnt get a lot of obvious pass rushing down opportunities to flamethrow.

Bottim line, the D gave up a giant shitload of yards.

They created sacks and turnovers, so some of that yardage is Glenn’s style. But damn, they need a DT next to the Alim/Buggs rotation and while Commish and Pascal line up there at times, they need a uofiekd pocket pusher. Buggs is a run stopper and Alim is a little of both bit not really either. Commish and Pascal are hybridy type guys too.

Hutch Houston Pascal Commish. Rather use Rokwaras $ towards that DT…they like Romeo though, wouldnt be surprised to see him back.

Offer both, keeping both woukd be great, but Id rather see Commish back if I had only 1.

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This defense plays different when Commish is going. Buggs is fine as a depth guy, but Commish adds so much more than Buggs and will get paid more accordingly.

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Keep them both and I bet both will come back at reasonable contracts

They are helping build this


Would like to keep Comish and Buggs if financially possible.


I think Williams has made himself too expensive… 1k yard rusher and 17 TDs. There will be teams drooling even though they don’t have the OL to allow that kind of production and it felt like Williams was maybe fading a bit the last 1/3rd of the season.

He’s an AWESOME player to root for and makes the most of the chances he gets. I’d love to see him a lions next year, just thinking he may have made more than Holmes is willing to spend.

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Williams is such a great locker room guy, it will be interesting to see how it pans out.

Campbell and Holmes are both on record as saying they want to pay players who performed for THEM.

Williams certainly fits that bill. He’s a gamer for sure.

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Why not both? The commish is more important on the field but Buggs seems to be one of the glue guys whose presence really elevates the team.


Sayanora Rokwara!

Bye bye Vaitai!

Au Revoir Oruwariye!

GTFO Brockers…lol.


Cominsky is the Dline leader that ensures everyone lines up correctly and tells them the plays from what I read. The big run on wins is a big credit to him and Elliot in the back as well. Don’t forget Thor in the middle.


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