Making the Hall of Fame call on 12 current players, including Matthew Stafford

Stafford is in. Wanna know why? Cuz EVERY time you hear an actual professional speak about him, they rave about him.

The only people who don’t think so are salty fans who have some sort of weird beef.


Lol, that isn’t true. I love Stafford, and I don’t think he belongs in the hall.

The Hof should be reserved for those who are the best in the league at their positions in their era. (Like Barry and Calvin).

I dont think Stafford has even been an honorable mention as an all-pro, which is normally an indicator of where one stands among his peers.

Hell, if he would have been the Superbowl MVP, I could get behind the idea.

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I think he’s got it locked. Top 5-7 for a looooong stretch and still playing at a very high level. Much more ass whipping to come (just not against Detroit). Hahaha!

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So the CBS article the OP posted that started this thread…

Yes! Exactly!

Except that’s opposite of what you just claimed :man_shrugging:t3:

Several professionals on the CBS Sports panels voted no. They aren’t salty fans with a weird beef


Stafford could in theory still play a few more years to really pad the stats. That’s a huge part of the hall of fame. Voters love stats.

Dan Marino never even won the super bowl and he’s in the hall. Stafford will get in some day. He will pass Marino in yards fairly soon.

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Or if Goff got in before him

Agreed. Guy played on terrible teams most years…with awful coaching and awful “leadership”. If he stays healthy, he will throw up massive numbers for at least another 2-3 years

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TDs 366 to 244 INTs
60.3% completion percentage career
84.1 QB Rating career
Team’s record 117-117

Kelly can tell you that Matt decides how he goes in. And the correct answer is “often.”

Matt Stafford Sport GIF by Tomi Ferraro, Sportz


Matt Stafford would be a firm NO from me at this point. People talk about his yardage but his yards per attempt is nothing all that special - he was just a huge volume guy. Do you put a guy in the Hall for volume passing? I don’t. That said he still looks pretty good so maybe he can give us some more reason to vote for him before he’s done.


2 Rings as QB.

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HOF are weird. Look at baseball, basketball and hockey. If you are top 30ish all time in a key stat for your position, you’re in, done.

Plenty of different epochs and eras and scoring environments…equipment changes, integration, foreign players etx.

Matty will finish top.10 yards and TDs. Has a ring. Has signature moments.

Cash Him In


Even if he didn’t have a ring… top 10 in yards and TD’s would probably get him in. I’m not saying I agree with it but who is top 10 in yards and TD’s and not in the hall of fame!?

The voters love them some stats.


Matt Ryan and Eli Manning


And Eli will be. Matt Ryan has no ring so Stafford is a lock.

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Ryan should have a ring but his HC was a total dipshit clownshow for 2 quarters.


Tied with Marino and better than Favre, Elway and Aikman.

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For Ryan a year as NFL MVP is also a big boost to his HOF resume

I’m not sure Stafford has ended any season leading any category except for pick-sixes. And in the SB he won Kupp was SB MVP

Last year Goff was a dropped Jamo pass from being yardage leader. He would need some of those higher accolades if he wants a shot as well

Though if he can deliver a Lions SB, who cares about the HOF. That’s QB immorality right there

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