Manziel says he attempted suicide after 'bender'

The irony is that Ryan Leaf has likely changed/saved more lives than any other top five pick of our lifetimes. He just needed time to get there. Which goes back to my point about Manziel. Life is freaking hard. Personal development is anything but a straight line. As a society we all need to cut each other some slack.

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I have little basis for this, but I think this guy probably got pushed way too hard from way too young and then when he showed talent nobody was there to slow him down and ask him what he really wanted to be doing. We’ve seen this story with a million athletes, but something about how he flamed out is interesting to me

E Street Band Dancing GIF

It takes work to get here ^^^

Ryan Leaf loves Cougars so much he wears it on his chest

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YARN | Forget it, he's rolling. | Animal House (1978) | Video gifs by quotes | ab2926a4 | 紗

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I’m glad he wasn’t successful at that. Someone’s personal redemption story is so much more important in the grand scheme then their career or wasted opportunities.

As Epictetus said “Circumstances don’t make the man, they only reveal him to himself.”


I really hope manzel becomes a motivational speaker and helps others avoid all the pit falls that he didn’t. He could help a lot of young athletes.


The Jordan Belfort of football?

Without the second crypto scam hopefully.

Having a rich family means zero
You can still be abused

However, being a spoiled rich kid is a strong possibility
Who’s fault would that be?

All I’m saying is he didn’t get to where he was, with a giant hole on his soul, for no reason

It has NOTHING to do with him being a football player — he’s just another damaged human

If anything it’s the sports fans who get all hardassed about these kids that need to examine themselves


First of all your tag……we are the Detroit red wings……that’s an abomination……you see a rich kid who partied away his life and opportunities. That is only what you would see from the far away judgmental distance that you sit at. “You would be fired if” cool, you are not him. There are so many demons that drive a person to drink and party. Very few people are rich party kids who are just addicts bc they thought it was a good idea at the time. There is typically a history of emotional, physical or sexual abuse. Not all abuse looks the same. Drinking, drugs……they are a persons way of coping w bullshit….everyone has their addiction. Everyone has their coping skills. Compassion goes a long way……not everyone has the skills, awareness or understanding to pick the healthy correct coping skills from the jump.

And it is sad whenever someone throws away opportunities. Always.


I wish I had a dollar for every time I wanted to end it. I never knew what this life was for. this isn’t about me at all. I can only guess what happens when you become famous, filthy rich, and how easy it is to party hard and fall victim to drugs and abuse, and the life of craving alcohol…what that does to your body and mind. how bad you want peace, but everybody wants to swarm around you-or call you at all hours. The pressure you have to be ‘the guy’ , to be the best in the sport while being there for your family , and how your followed everywhere, you peace is gone, your private life is announced to The World. how corrosive that is on your mind. turning your home into fort knox just to have some protection . How deep that effects your love life…what it could drive you to do.

We think : “oh the poor baby billionaire” “yeah his life must be rough.” we don’t always think about how their “regular” life get’s crushed and pulled and torn apart, or how the quiet life is GONE, privacy is GONE , how that strains a relationship , or how your wife or girl likes the spoils, but cannot stand how alone she is. The entire thing is ready to implode. I always thought he was a @$$h073…but I can understand how it could lead to ending it .


^ great post


We’re all grateful that you pushed through, my friend.


Excellent post Wolf, glad you have pushed through those times and about to enjoy some Lion success.


Great comparison. That’s exactly who he could become. Only hopefully a better person.

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Outstanding post.


thanks…that means something coming from you.

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Hey @wolfcub36 - That was so well said brother. One of the most raw and sincere posts I’ve read around these parts.

Life truly is hard, but don’t ever give up, we gotta keep fighting and moving forward my friend.

I really appreciate your honesty and not sugar coating things. You have my complete respect as a man. DM me any time brother, I’ve had demons at times too.

Also - Go Lions!


Health care worker here, worked mental health for four years, two during covid. You have no idea what people go through and money is no exemption from problems, they’re just differnt problems. F@#$ off.

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I doubt you know him or know anything about him. It’s quite brave to get on such a soapbox on social media under anonymity

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