Mark Brunell for OC?

Zac’s from Dan’s coaching tree :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Close the thread… BJ’s are staying on tap for another year!


Haven’t seen that one before.

The would be your response because it’s the only one you have :joy:

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That’s news to me

Zac Taylor’s only coordinator experience was when Dan was the Interim HC in Miami.

From USC?

Does he have testicles?

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goddamn marino was good.

You made a statement that many fans make. They just don’t realize how fast some of the better coaches in the NFL moved up the food chain. Some guys just “have it.” John Harbaugh is a good example. He was never even a coordinator. He was a really good special teams coach. A special teams coach has to relate to every position on the team on a regular basis. There is no part of the locker room that they don’t touch, particularly back in Harbaugh’s day when QBs did the holding for field goals. As the story goes Andy Reid believed in him so much that they shoe horned in a defensive backs coach title so that he would be a little more attractive to prospective teams. The Ravens hired him the following season.

I know QB is the sexy position but when I am looking at a young head coaches past, I like to see experience as either a special teams coach or a tight ends coach. Special teams coaches have to address an entire team and not just one room, and tight ends coaches have to have a holistic view of the offense from running to passing to blocking schemes. That also requires have an understanding of what the defense is doing overall in all situations, not just running or passing schemes. Bill Belichick was a special teams coach. Andy Reid was a tight ends coach. Sean McVay was a tight ends coach. Ben Johnson was a tight ends coach.


This year it was players getting poached off our PS.

Next year it will be coaches poached from our team.

The year after that we will really start to see some HARD FA choices being made.

These are the struggles of a consistently winning team. That’s what we all want here in Detroit.


Good post.

Agree on TE’s players and coaches, they have so much interaction with so many positions and plays.

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So we know that we no longer need to worry about this for 2023. It seems a perfect time to get the next on-staff “Assistant OC” titled and cross-trained.

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For another team maybe………………hank would get it before him……if hank wasn’t snatched by someone else first……

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I appreciate this take and response. It’s well explained and makes a lot of sense.

I did make a basic or blanket statement. So your response to that, sure…it applies and is correct.

But come on, literally all stud examples that all came from HOF coaches. Do you have some inside information that leads you to believe Ben Johnson is going to be the next Andy Reid? For every coach you mentioned, there’s probably 10 that bombed under the same circumstances. If that’s me, moving the goal post, then fine lol.

If I’m a fan of the Broncos and Ben Johnson is our hire, I’m not really thrilled. That’s all I was saying and I think there is more reason to believe that it won’t work out. Verses he becomes the next Bill Walsh :man_shrugging:t2:


Man you were spot on with your prediction odds :laughing:

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Sheila broke out the cash for Ben!

Pay Me Kim Kardashian GIF by GQ


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