Mark Brunell: Jared Goff has a lot of qualities that I saw in Drew Brees

Unfortunately I don’t think one of them is making good decisions under pressure. I hope I’m wrong.

I somewhat get it. He’s talking about approach to the game and passion for it. Not style or physical attributes per se.

That said, Goff ran the spread in college with a lot of quick passing and RPOs and as defenses would crowd, he’d go over the top. He did look more like Brees there.

Brees ran the quick game better than anyone and he had to because his arm the last few years can’t throw it deep.

Goff played one of his best games ever against New Orleans in the playoff run to the superbowl. I’m guessing Payton said to Campbell that he could win a lot of games with Goff and I believe that to be true.

The guy I think Goff more closely aligns with is Alex Smith. At the end of his career, Smith was so beat up that he wouldn’t wait anymore for deep routes to develop and everything was underneath. I worry that with McVay, Goff was starting to head that direction.


Don’t you pay that bad old Sean McVay any attention…

I was driving late last night and listening to Brunell’s video. When he was asked for a QB comparison, Brees popped into my head before he answered. I was thinking mainly about accuracy and hitting receivers in stride for YAC. The way to disrupt Brees was quick penetration up the middle, exactly what Goff endured for the last couple of years under McVain.

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Still possible he becomes the best QB in the division!!!

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Brunelle had too many shots to the head. Goff least resembles breez more than any quarterback I can think of. Ok they are both accuracy ++ and not power throwers but after that the resemblance ends.

Should’ve made this another thread but let’s just let our imaginations run a little wild… during the week off before the regular season starts, Rodgers gets the offer to host Jeopardy, he emphatically says YES! Calls up and retires right then and there and peaces out from football.

I would watch jeopardy every night and record it when I couldn’t watch it.

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Also both sitting ducks in the pocket, who need strong o-line’s to exceed. That’s 3 similarities. But, Brees excelled at taking care of the football and not turning it over which is something Goff has struggled with the last 2 years. That’s the biggest difference I see and it’s probably the most important aspect of playing QB. Keep the ints low and know when to take a sack instead of fumbling away the game.

When you look at guys like Brees, Brady and Peyton for example, that’s why they were so elite, not turning it over and reading defenses to make quick decisions. None of them could move much in the pocket but their presnap game with reading coverages and weaknesses of the defense quickly is what took them all to another level. I always thought this was an area that held Stafford back from greatness, presnap reads and identifying coverages.

The jury is still out on Goff, we can only hope and pray Brunell can help limit the turnovers Goff has been prone to early in his career.


I think Stafford is as good as anyone… not named Brees, Brady or Manning. You’re right, they’re “elite” where he is not. He’s darn good, but not Brady or Brees good.

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Brady, Brees and Manning all had elite presnap skills. IMO that’s what separates the good from the great.


I think Stafford could be a HOFer by the time he leaves the Rams. Would not shock me. If they make a couple of playoff runs, or get a Super Bowl, I could totally see it in a big market like LA.

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If Stafford throws 50/50 balls to Tutu, Kupp and Woods like he did to KG, Calvin and Marvin, he’s not making it to the HOF.


Yeah, but he also had success with guys like Golden Tate and Nate Burleson too. He’s extremely talented and he’s now in a big market.


Have you seen Mannings or Brees INTs numbers???

Compare them to Goff’s. You’ll be in for a big surprise. Goff has his flaws but they’re definitely not to the extent the media would have you believe. Plus when its a big game Goff gets much careful with the ball. Reality is the Rams wouldn’t have won so many games over the years if Goff truly was this bad QB.


I wasn’t going by what mcvay had said. I was basing it off my own observations watching Goff play. He reminds me more of Neil O’Donnell than drew Brees. I don’t know if you remember O’Donnell or got to watch him play. If you protected him he’d kill you, but if you rattled him a bit he started throwing the ball to the other team.

Stafford only throws 50/50 balls to receivers he trusted to go up and get them. Notice he never threw them to golden Tate because that wasn’t what Tate was good at. Jones, golladay and Calvin were great at high pointing the ball.

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Check out the fumbles stats man. Goff has been a turnover machine.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m still hopeful he can limit those turnovers, but it’s been a real issue for him.

Dude I’m a Rams fan. I’ve litteraly seen every game Goff has played in. While his turnovers have upticked the last 2 years. He’s no turnover machine like say a Winston, Jones or Wentz is.

I agree he can improve and he probably will. But it’s really not as bad as the media portrays. There were a couple of really bad games like Miami for example. But the overall play isn’t like that on a consistent basis.


The only similarity they have is 9 letters in their full name.


That’s what she said!
…McVey’s wife, that is. :wink: