Martha Ford stepping down as owner of the Lions

Honestly I was really hoping Martha would have taken us to the promise Land since she took over. Not just because it’s what we all want but also so they can put her initials on the jerseys and actually deserve it. And to get there in a 16 game season. If by chance we got there this year if the season resumes as normal, how much of the credit will still go to Marsha? How much direction was she receiving from the kids?

In 2015, after Mayhew was fired, the Lions went 6-2.
In 2016, the Lions went 9-7.
In 2017, the Lions went 9-7.

So, at least initially, the Lions went 24-16 after Mayhew was fired. Hardly an indication of ineptitude.

Now, Quinn’s hiring of Patricia (his decison), hasn’t worked out so far. But, we’re only just going into the third year of the Manhattan Project, Philadelphia Experiment, er I mean New England Patriots Redux.

If the Lions stink this year, and Hamp does nothing, then the SOL label applies. However, if she swings the ax instead, then one can’t say it’s business as usual.


Not that I am making excuses for MP because I don’t think he was ready to be HC. But… Stafford has been hurt for the last two years and that did play a role.

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When did Stafford start playing D?


I was fully expecting this and it shocks me very little. this is already the 2ND Ford Ownership I have lived through as always I hope for better, but it’s the Ford’s. shrug.

It’s an Eminence Front, its a put on.




I am worn out of any real optimism.

Also, don’t throw Fords still own a Large chunk of the Preferred Stock?

REM eluded to this as well, they have spent all of the capital they have to keep me as a fan. I have barely watched the last 2 seasons.

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We dont want JR. He is the one responsible for bringing in Millen. The dark ages of Lions football and thats saying something.

This was to be expected… Glad they made the announcement while Martha is still on the right side of the dirt. It will be business as usual, nothing will change within the organization that hasn’t already changed after WCF died.

What I wonder is whether this ‘change’ would end up giving Quintricia more slack should they flop again this year… Formally the ultimatum was not her’s, it was Martha’s

Looking forward to the presser @ 3pm today. Wonder what kind of cheese they’re going to top that shit burger with.

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Actually her name was on the same release, so yes she is responsible. She has already commented on the subject and basically left it just as vague as the original statement. No set targets, just be competitive and show major improvement.

I see Juniors balls are still in his Mom’s purse.

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Swiss, as its full of holes, just like their plans for this team

For SiX Freaking Decades…

Just listened to some of the presser. One thing that came out immediately was that Sheila E says “Umm” more than Stafford.

Millions and billions of dollars and incredible a contacts and resources between Stafford and the Fords and they can’t take a fricken toastmasters club course?

Not a lot of attention to detail going on in the D for a very long time


I liked the old gal way better than her hubbz. I thought she ironically had more balls than he did. I felt like she actually tried.


More than Bob Quinn though?? :joy: