Mathieu Betts--a dose of reality


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Maybe… maybe not. :joy:
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From here

This was POD’s minicamp report. In 2023.

We should assume nothing about a position group that has had significant upheaval and will now be even more reliant on young players.

I want to believe the secondary will be better, but until I see it I won’t hold my breath.

As for Betts, he has earned his reputation playing against O-linemen that can’t even get on an NFL practice squad. I think the best we can hope for is that he’s a rotational depth player.


I think Decker is the one that would be the best judge of defensive talent. Decker is good but not all-pro. Decker is a crafty vet and knows all the tricks.

It was Decker that told the staff they they needed to get Houston on the field as Decker was having problems keeping him out of the backfield. Betts could be plan B if Houston isn’t back to his rookie form.

I think Betts has a real chance at making it. Work ethic is key and he seems to have it. Could he be the Lions version of Cameron Wake?

Yes, we have reinforcements for any of the 3 new starting CBs if/when one goes down.*

*This not an invitation to exhume discussions about our base defense. :pray: :pray: :pray:

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Oh, come on. It’s always fun to talk about the 3-4/4-3/5-2 hybrid that almost nobody understands.:rofl:

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