Maybe it needed to happen this way

If this fuckery is bringing us as fans together this much, imagine how it will unify the guys on the team!!!

I don’t think it is. It’s where I landed last night with no outside input.

They just experienced as a team a thing that the coach preaches about. Being on the details and being consistent from beginning to end (or it’ll cost you). Dan talked earlier in the year about how the loss might be a good thing to get their minds right. By the 2nd and 3rd losses, that was just bullshit. Last night, though…. When folks come into work Tuesday, they’re coming in to effing work and ain’t nobody gotta say nothin’ to get ready for winning the day. It’s on now.

Nate there is no silver lining the official screwed up all on him an he took the win away from Lions its simple.
The formation was legal the whole set up was legal the official made mistake an lied after simple.

We were best team an never played a good game that’s on Lions not officials. The only good thing is we have a game an time before the playoffs.

Its just wrong way league operates an Lions not only team that got screwed by bad officials this season. We can all argue about miss calls but this was no judgement call this is all on officials.

It will not hurt us moving forward unless it cost us second seed.


Yeah, they already have the headline— “Stafford does in Detroit what he never could do in Detroit”.

And then… “Stafford goes back home to Texas to play them boys.”

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Yup. The script writes itself…

Really MCDC told us all about this in his opening press conference.

“So let me go back, let me start here again. I wanted this job — bad — because I felt like I knew this community. I played here. Here’s what I know, just as an overall philosophy — you’re going to say, ‘Well what’s the team going to be, what’s it not going to be?’ Here’s what I know, all right? I know that Detroit is made up of great people, some really good people. This community is strong. This place has been kicked, it’s been battered, it’s been bruised, and I can sit up here and give you coach-speak all day long. I can give you, ‘Hey, we’re going to win this many games.’ None of that matters, and you guys don’t want to hear it anyway. You’ve had enough of that shit. Excuse my language. All right, here’s what I do know, is that this team is going to take on the identity of this city. This city has been down, and it found a way to get up. It’s found a way to overcome adversity. So this team is going to be built on — we’re going to kick you in the teeth, and when you punch us back, we’re going to smile at you, and when you knock us down, we’re going to get up. On the way up, we’re going to bite a knee cap off, all right, and we’re going to stand up, and then it’s going to take two more shots to knock us down. And on the way up, we’re going to take your other knee cap, and we’re going to get up and it’s going to take three shots to take us down. When we do, we’re going to take another hunk out of you. Before long, we’re going to be the last one standing. That’s going to be the mentality, darn it. We’re going to learn that any loss that we take, we’re going to make sure that we feel the full pain of it and not grow numb to it and learn from it and not to want to taste it again. We’re going to be competitive in every game.”


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My childhood hero right there :+1:

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If Barnes had arms this was an easy win

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No Arms GIF by Copenhagen Flames

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The Wild Wild West.

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