Mcafrey: how many yards will he get?

chriistian macaffrey has to be stopped!

Im going out on a limb and say zero versus us.


season 13 GIF


Erm… maybe OP isn’t aware that McCaffrey no longer plays for the Panthers?

I’m a Rams fan living in SF. I’ll Gillooly the whiner mofo for free if he gets close to Dickerson’s record.
Not really…but I will vomit repeatedly & mail it to him.


OP, isn’t aware of quite a few things… he is however consistant.

I think we will have particular difficulty covering Steve Smith Jr and keeping Julius Peppers out of the pocket.


The OP is clearly talking about the NFC Championship game. Lions vs 49ers. He’s right, we gotta stop C-Mac!


taz GIF
“Who’s HE?”

It will be one of those odd days on the stat sheet. We will not be able to tackle him a single time, yet he will have 0 yards in the game.

lisa simpson episode 21 GIF

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Is there really anything better in life than watching Hedge Fund billionaires be miserable?

Simplify, man. Simplify!

Terrific episode.

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