Meinke: Lions' treatment of Glasgow runs counter to what Quinn, Patricia say they want to do here

I mentioned this in another column, but I think it deserves its own post.

In MLive Lions beat writer Kyle Meinke’s column on the Quinn press conference, he makes the point that the Fords retained Quinn and Patricia to give them another year to realize their plan. But neither Quinn nor Patricia provide any confidence that they know what’s wrong, or have a plan.

Meinke makes this point about Graham Glasgow:

Patricia, the Fords and now Quinn have talked for weeks about the foundation of the team. They point to how few home-grown players they have on second contracts, and how tough it is to build a team that way. But then they turn around and show no appetite whatsoever to re-sign Graham Glasgow, a home-grown foundational piece who has done literally every single thing this team wants in a player.

He’s good, he’s tough, he’s versatile, he’s durable. And he does it on the offensive line, which Quinn has spent almost a half-decade trying to rebuild. Glasgow just might be his best success story there, and done it exactly how the team asks – and now he can barely get the Lions on the phone about an extension?

“It’s been a long year,” Glasgow said after the season ended, “and I would like to feel like I’m wanted.”

From a player who doesn’t usually say a whole lot, that says a whole lot about how little Detroit cares where Glasgow plays next season.

Listen, you can’t sign everybody, and the Lions have a million holes to fill. They need linebackers and they need defensive linemen, and those don’t come cheaply. They probably need a corner. They are probably going to extend Kenny Golladay, which certainly won’t be cheap. And they have to figure out what they’re doing at offensive tackle, where Taylor Decker is heading into a contract year and Rick Wagner continues to underwhelm.

So maybe the Lions are calculating they can’t afford Glasgow. But if that is their calculation, they will lose one of their most consistent offensive players, a backbone of the offensive line – a foundational piece – in the process, creating yet another hole elsewhere. And that just doesn’t square with what they’re saying they’re trying to do.

We’ve noted many times here that Quinn has devoted a ton of draft and free-agency capital into the O-line, and the O-line still isn’t one of the better ones in the league. But Graham Glasgow is solid. Even a lay person can see it week in and week out.

Yet all they’ve done this season is mess with Glasgow. Put him in a rotation with Kenny Wiggins, who is clearly inferior to him. And now this contract stonewalling.

Between Quinn saying he watched more tape on Teez Tabor than any other player he’d ever evaluated, and the way he apparently thinks Glasgow is a disposable bum, I don’t see how anybody can have confidence that Quinn knows what he is doing at this point.


Well said. Now the clock is ticking and each day that goes by, if I’m GGs agent, the price for Quinn goes up. You can go to damn near 31 better destinations than here and since Quinn treated him like he was of no importance, he lost ALL leverage. Just another bad job by a terrible GM.

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I’ve lost confidence in him.

The main reason we do not have home grown players is that he ships them out. He’s turned over 30+ percent of the roster every year by design.

Let’s not forget he sent packing RR, Warford and Tomlinson. All OL who are starting in the NFL to rebuild an OL that continues to struggle.

I haven’t a clue what BQ is trying to do. What once looked like vision now looks like a guy over his head.


It just doesn’t make any sense, this thing with Glasgow. There must have been some preliminary talks last summer, with Glasgow’s agent if not Glasgow himself. The Lions extended Dahl, who is usable but not as good as Glasgow IMHO and Glasgow also offers you a starting backup center if Ragnow goes down. So why not pay the man?

Only two answers comes to mind: he wants too much money, or he wants to know what his market value is so he can get the best deal he can. Which is fine, that’s the business he’s in, but the idea that the Lions never even tried to keep him doesn’t ring true to me unless Glasgow didn’t get the money he wanted. Maybe his idea (and ours) of what he’s worth to the Lions isn’t as high as what the Lions think it is.

That said, I hope the Lions keep this guy. You don’t want to overpay cuz that could mean you don’t get another guy that is more valuable. And there were some IOL guys that signed lucrative contracts in recent weeks. Sooo, I guess we’ll see what happens going forward. Losing good players is not the way to upgrade your franchise though, is it?

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Quinn and Patricia are authoritarians that show no appreciation.

I mean, hey, if they think he’s expendable and not worth the market value, that’s totally understandable. My reservations are with the fact that the run game still sucks and I have zero faith they will find someone that will be an upgrade to GG, which means a net negative result. Quinn never seems to be proactive which is why he was still playing QB and RB roulette in week 12 of the season when he had a QB coming off a broken back and a RB coming off a bum knee. Always reactive, never proactive.

The dumb thing to do would be to let Glasgow walk, only to replace him with a guy with less position flexibility, less durable, and has no chemistry with the team, just to save a couple mil per season. Pay the man, build the culture. Reward your guys.

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Yep. Teams don’t typically just let their better offensive lineman walk away. Not unless they have already drafted someone younger and cheaper that gives similar production. That is not the case here. Quinn’s drafts have sucked balls for the most part and not only do we have 2 below average tackles, we also have zero depth at all offensive line positions.

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I believe the Lions will extend Graham for all the reasons Kyle mentions.

If you are going to pay a guy well I have zero issue waiting to extend him to a higher contract.

You don’t get better by letting Graham walk. You re-sign Graham and you re-sign A’Shawn Robinson.