Michigan Recruiting

Instead of posting these in various threads, I figured we would keep it in one spot. Both Basketball and Football.


May is knocking it out of the park.

Dude hasn’t done shit at uofm and is out doing izzo already. Uofm got lucky and got the right coach. Mean while msu fans are wondering where is nil for msu.

I haven’t watched a complete basketball game in like 25 years. Can we flip that QB from LSU? Or is he just using us to drive up the price…

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That’s the 5 million dollar question.

I know that his Mom and Dad want him to stay here in Michigan, but I’m not sure that will be enough to make him stay. I give it about a 10% chance that he flips.

It isn’t from a lack of trying on Michigan’s part, that’s for sure. They recognize that this one signing could change the program.

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Cant make fun of osu if true. College sports sucks


If that’s true, that’s crazy. I thought 5 mill was nuts.

I wish nil was there when I played, though I doubt 3rd string special teamers really get anything…lol


Michigan is trying to push a new culture where they are players in the NIL world. It reminds me when the CFL tried to make a name for themselves by signing Rocket Ismail. Hopefully this turns out better than that did.


I posted this in another thread, but I’m not sure if you saw it. Kind of follows what you are saying.

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Depends which insider you listen to but the most pessimistic ones put it at 35% while the most optimistic at 65%.

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That’s the big difference between Moore and Harbaugh. Harbaugh would never entertain this. He had his own way of building a culture.

From what I’ve read Portnoy has made it clear he won’t be out bid. If Underwood chooses LSU, it won’t be over money.

That’s a lot of money for a guy who has never played a snap, and I do wonder what that would do to “the team” culture Michigan tries to build. This isn’t the message Harbaugh was taking to the NCAA.

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If they are really offering 10 mill, I can see the reason for the optimism.

I don’t really like the idea of a guy only wanting to play here because of money. I think I would have rather had Cook, who we know wanted to be here for the right reasons.

I guess we will see how it works out.


And thats partly why Michigan is currently in the situation it is in. He was slow to adapt to a changing recruiting landscape and recruiting suffered, leaving M with some big talent holes. That championship team was built with primarily pre NIL recruits.

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Insiders say Portnoy is not involved with the Underwood NIL pitch. Its other donors, and they will not be outbid

I do question Wink though, because speaking of talent they have four 1st rounders on defense just this year not to mention the guys that’ll get drafted in subsequent years. Watch them on defense though and you’d never know it


No argument here, our coordinators are garbage and i hope they are both gone next year. Defense shouldnt be this bad with that talent.


Yeah I haven’t heard very good things about the OC either-he does have a legit lack of talent excuse however not much good being said about him

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Correct, he wanted something different where every college athlete was paid a percentage of profits. Every athlete would benefit, and the NCAA hated him for it.

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