"Monday Night Magic" — Dan Miller on the calls from MNF


I’d hate to be the guy with binoculars/stats… Can’t enjoy the game


Watching that guy gives me so much anxiety.

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I posted one last week and nothing. I love his voice and how he loves the lions

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I suspect he enjoys it more than you realize.

I’ve done live audio a time or two. There’s not only a rush, but a quiet sense of accomplishment for being a small part of the team.

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If I never heard “I see you _______ _______” ever again, I’d be OK with it.


I"m w/ya - same w/“job well done/job better done”

Mostly love the guy though.

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Rich’s take - great listen

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Im confused

Do people really not like Dan Miller?

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I think everyone/most like him - just has a few annoying sayings that get repetitive


We all do really, it just gets more noticeable when they are high profile or you spend more time listening to them.

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I don’t think anyone will debate that.

I agree.

Also the “two teams will meet on the field to say job well done, job better done by the _____ on this day / night” gets a bit old too.


I don’t care for Dan Miller. Never have. I was actually surprised to see the comments above agreeing with me. I cant stand the “job well done, job better done” comment. It’s nails on chalkboard.

I don’t care for “I see you _______ I… see… you”

It disturbs me that we all know what Dan sounds like in the bedroom. “Ohhhhh BABY!” “That was… BEAUTIFUL!!!”
Gonna get hit, gonna go down… I call them Dan-gasms.

For the record, I was a much bigger fan of Mark Champion. I also don’t dislike, but don’t like Ken Daniels. I really liked Dave Strader. Listening to him and Mickey during games was a treat.

From the clips, I did like Miller’s call of the Goff TD. I still think we missed the perfect opportunity to drop a “SAINT WENT TO JARED’S!” on that play.


Mickey’s at the top for me, but I realize for most I have him 1 spot too high.
Ken Cal
Paul Wood

I don’t dislike Miller. I wouldn’t call him bad. But when you think about that line-up of radio voices we’ve had, nobody’s gonna crack the top spots again. You ever listen to the radio for the Arizona Cardinals? Someone trying to sound like Macho Man Savage on the playcalls?

Not saying he’s on the ‘spectrum’ per se, but he is absolutely a numbers nerd and he wouldn’t trade what he does for anything. Remember last year when sewell was announced as eligible he snapped and looked at miller immediately. He knew was was coming. he’s very invested and knows what’s going on he just sees the numbers and lives for that.

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No Benetti on your list?

Who dat?

New tigers announcer starting this year

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