Most Lionsy thing ever by a team not the Lions




As much as the Browns screwed this up. They actually still have a pretty darn good defense and rushing attack. It’ll be interesting to see just how many games Watson gets suspended for.

It’s Jacoby time!

Jacoby Brissett Mind Blown GIF by Bleacher Report


can we ask for a divisional trade? Maybe swap the Packers for the Browns



One of these are not like the others.


Green Bay’s Darko moment


Hell no! We all know the second Green Bay is out of our division Rogers will retire and they’ll have lousy quarterback play for the next 30 years. I’ve been waiting too damn long for that to see it in another division! :joy:


This topic reminds me of when Rodney Pete tore through the Lions as Philadelphia beat the snot out of us in that playoff game. After the shellacking was over I remember Rodney saying he never had a game like that, not in high school, not in college, not in the pros. Oh these Lions. Not too long afterward Joey Effing Harrington came into Ford Field and beat us soundly on Thanksgiving day.


[quote=“Lionpile, post:8, topic:16438, full:true”]
This topic reminds me of when Rodney Pete tore through the Lions as Philadelphia beat the snot out of us in that playoff game. After the shellacking was over I remember Rodney saying he never had a game like that, not in high school, not in college, not in the pros. Oh these Lions. Not too long afterward Joey Effing Harrington came into Ford Field and beat us soundly on Thanksgiving day.

That was like 10+years afterwards :flushed:

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Tell me you’ve never had that moment when you looked up suddenly and realized it’s already been 10 years since some event happened. Even though it only seems like a couple years past. I’m wondering where the hell the last 20 went. That Bob Seger line in like a rock hits just a little bit harder every year.

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“Then one day you find 10 years have got behind you”…


I remember Artose Pinner running wild on us in 06’ when he signed with Minnesota after we released him. Like 3 tds and 100 yards. Seems like former players have their best games against the Lions.


I’m just waiting for the day I wake up dead.


You aint kidding… Pinner had 125 yards and 3 TD’s against us. lol

What makes it even funnier is Pinner had 190 yards the entire season with the Vikes and 125 of them came in one game vs us. Those were also the only TD’s he ever scored with the Vikes and Falcons. Only the Lions. God we suck.

스크린샷 2022-07-07 7.38.13 PM


Hey - The sandwich happened first.
Darko was actually a Sandwich moment.

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And in true Lions fashion it doesn’t work the other way. We grabbed a QB from the Browns and in his “revenge game” against Cleveland he threw 7 interceptions. But hey, at least it was a historic performance! :rofl:


Sure he threw 7 interceptions but you didn’t even bother mentioning his 1 TD. How dare you leave that amazing feat out, lol

I just looked up the drive chart for the first time. Its hilarious that any coach would leave this guy in the game. :laughing:


Hahaha what a chart, the amazing part is we only lost by 10. That record will never be broken.

Edit - Turns out it’s not even the record. Wow

Jim Hardy has thrown the most intercepted passes by a quarterback in a game, with 8 interceptions against the Eagles on September 24, 1950.

And guess who Jim Hardy signed with in 1952!? You already know.

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