My Biggest Takeaways after watching the post game pressers

Campbell: Summary…Crushed but gonna use it as fuel

Reynolds: Devastated. Devastated. Feels like this is gonna burn at him until next season. Maybe I don’t cut him after seeing that. The in game reaction after his drop must have been a defense mechanism.

Decker: Praising the fans…taking about the love. Wishing they could do it for the fans. Pretty sweet.

Sewell: One word…PISSED Dude was PISSED. Doesn’t seem like a guy that needs to do a lot of talking but his feelings came through loud and clear…PISSED

This one is from before the game (I rolled into them after the post game videos)

Montgomery: Saying he has never seen anything like what they Lions fans bring anywhere. Challenging the reporter asking him if it was a “Special” season. Made him answer his own question…and yes, he felt it was a special season for the Lions and their fans even if it doesn’t feel like it right now. Confident that we are just getting started.

Montgomery being ask if our OLine is as good as he expected when he signed here. Him saying “No…they are WAY better”

Montgomery talking about being a dad to his 1 year old son…dude has his shit together

Really liking this dude…

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Now, if the Lions could find a player with Sewell’s passion and whose better than Jonah Jackson to play LG, the train will keep on rolling on offense.

On defense, they need two outside CBs.

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