My Draft Logic

  1. If Sewell is there, you take him and solidify your OL for years to come. Your offense can finally be balanced and that makes it easier on your QB. If somebody offers a good trade down deal, that’s fine but don’t give up on taking a real blue-chipper.

  2. If Sewell is gone, as I expect he will be, then I believe the next best option is the best WR on the board, which I hope would be Chase. The WR1 need is the top priority in this draft and has to be filled with a starter, so if Sewell is the pick at #7 then the next pick should IMHO be a WR. Here again, if a good trade down deal is offered, fine.

  3. Much as I feel the defense has to be upgraded, I don’t see a defensive player that is worth a #7 pick, so I’m not taking Parsons unless the Lions trade down and he’s still available.

  4. Ditto Pitts, the Lion are okay at TE and I think the top couple of picks need to be used elsewhere.

  5. The Day 2 pick depends on who the Day 1 pick was. If they are fortunate enough to get Sewell, then I’d go for the best WR on the board. Walking away from the draft after 2 rounds with your starting RT and WR1 is not a bad way to go. If they draft a WR in the 1st round, then it’s time to see if they can still get a starting RT, or maybe an LB, you never know who will still be on the board. If they really like somebody then I might trade one of next year’s picks for somebody this year, but that person needs to be a starter.

  6. I think after the 1st 2 rounds it’s time to go BPA. Get the best talent available, mostly wherever the guy plays. Personally, I wouldn’t take a QB this year, not when they have so many picks next year and the guy would only spend one year holding the clipboard instead of 2 years. I don’t think I’d take an Edge guy either, the Lions seem to have plenty of those already. Doubling up at WR or elsewhere is okay if it’s BPA, but I’m more inclined to take a WR early this year and another one early next year so they both don’t hit the road at the same time 4-5 years down the road.

  7. So far, I think the Lions FO has done well this off-season. But even so, it’s hard to see them competing in December for a playoff spot. I ain’t saying it’s not possible but it is unlikely IMHO, so I’m focusing more on laying foundation pieces and establishing a better culture of collaboration between player and coaches. Trying to help players achieve their potential is a powerful incentive for others to sign with Detroit in the future, let’s hope it works out that way.

So - don’t reach and don’t trade away future picks for a one-year deal. Trading a pick next year for one this year is okay, but I’m not particularly enthusiastic about it. The guy better be worth it.


My draft strategy is
Option 1 - Trade down and acquire a 2nd round pick or more (obviously depending on who we trade with.
BPA between WR and OT
Specifically target J-Will in the 2nd/Late 1st (bang for buck pick that serves the future)
Target WR first, if one of the top 3 are available. If not, BPA between WR and OT.

Scenario 2 - Draft at 7 and pick BPA between WR and OT. Try to get J-Will w/the 2nd rounder, if he’s still available. If he’s not available, BPA WR or OT (whichever we didn’t get in the 1st)

*in this scenario, he feels like much more of a luxury pick

Really good take @Wiseacres,

All great points.

Micah Parson’s is the only player we don’t see eye to eye on. I do think he is very much in play for the Lions at #7. I believe Parson’s in not “scheme” or “formation” dependent. This guy has the skills to play 3 down LB on any Defense in this league.

This draft is so deep at WR and OL that is almost feels like the #41 pick will dictate the #7 pick.

I love P. Sewell as a blue chip prospect, but then I look at how much O-line talent there’s behind Sewell/Slater and it makes the decision to take an OL at #7 a little more difficult. There is going to be a GREAT O-linemen at #41. Everybody loves PFF, right? They have 10, repeat 10 O-linemen in their top 55 overall Big Board. 10 of the top 55 best overall players they have ranked…are OL. Ton of talent behind Sewell and Slater.

Same with the WR position. If the Lions wanted a #1 WR for the 2021 season…then why didn’t Holmes just tag Golladay for 1 more year? Keep him for 2021…then let him walk in 2022. The Lions had the cap space. After signing Williams and Perriman, I’m having a harder time seeing a WR pick at #7. I know the argument is contract/cap space between Golladay and a rookie WR. After what Holmes has done with the WR position this off-season (letting Golladay go, signing 1 year veterans) it’s a low hanging fruit to pick a WR for the Lions in this draft. But maybe the signs all point to Holmes not valuing the position and justifying a top 10 pick at WR?

The Draft can’t get here fast enough. At this point, I feel any player other than Trey Lance or Mac Jones, I will be happy with. Even a trade down would be great. Lions are in a really good position to go in many different directions.

Do you think there will be more WRs taken before #41, than OT’s? I’m starting to think a lot of WRs are going to drop.

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Anybody but Pitts or Lance. That’s where I’m at.

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I’d like to to leave this draft having taken advantage of positions that are filled with quality prospects. WR and OT in particular.

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And 2nd round WR’s make the pro bowl more often than 1st round WR’s! For the value shoppers out there, the 2nd and 3rd round is where to find the WR’s. I’d prefer Sewell or Parsons @ 7.

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I agree, but at the same time I wouldn’t be upset if we drafted Smith or Chase.

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