My take on the Tom Kennedy situation

Much has been made about the curiosity of Tom Kennedy’s lack of game three reps. Some have rumored that means that he’s made the roster.

What if the intent was instead to get him out of sight, out of mind to the league and then cut him in order to Hand who you IR and then bring TK back. If we cut Strong or Penisini I think they may get claimed. Kennedy? Not so much.

And I don’t even really want Tom Kennedy as a Lion. But reading the tea leaves I think that’s the scenario that is unfolding.


Could be.

My take is he is better then Perriman and should make the team.He is a reliable slot receiver with good hands who is good in the short and intermediate routes which is what this Offense is going to run alot of.

Less than 24 hours and we will know all things roster!!


I agree about Perriman but I think he is safe to waive an then wednesday Hand IR an bring him back. I would do same with the QB If we lose them really how big a deal is it?
Hand if he stays healthy is a plus player the other two are not IMO.


Why don’t you want Kennedy as a Lion? He works his butt off the last few years to finally have a chance to make the team and was by far and away our best receiver in the pre season.

Couple that with the fact that we are going to be terrible anyways and our receiving corps is terrible, I’m ok with Kennedy making the team. It’s not like he’s making it over some younger guy with potential. Our UDFA receivers did nothing to stand out.

Let me guess… you probably didn’t like the movie Rudy either? Probably thought he shouldn’t have made the team at Norte dame and got any playing time?? I see what you’re all about bro :sunglasses:

Hand just can’t stay healthy, I see no reason to keep him over someone like Strong.

I’m not a huge Kennedy fan either but he seems to embody what DC is looking for in terms of being reliable and working at his craft…so from that standpoint it sends a message to the rest of the locker room.

If I’m to believe Dan Campbell then I think there is a good chance Kennedy has a serious chance at being on the roster. We’re rebuilding and I agree with Wes that it sends a message.

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I agree bro… enough is enough with this dude. He flashed in like six games his rookie year and ever since, we’ve been waiting for him to get healthy. Sometimes I totally forget about him until I read the injury report.

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You keep both by IR’ing Hand. Kick the can down the road.

Based on what exactly? Two preseason games. BP has actually done a few things as a pro in games that count.

Bc he lacks legitimate NFL caliber talent.

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Perriman is terrible. Glad he’s gone.

And yet Tom Kennedy will retire with far less NFL achievement than Breshad Perriman. Personally I think cutting Perriman is a silly decision based off of our dearth of receiving options and his speed alone. Maybe we’ll bring in somebody like Tate. I really struggle with the idea that Tom Kennedy is the answer to any NFL related question.


You can’t assume that brother!

TK can come into this game and drop 590 yards this season and stay here for five years at the rate and out preform this guy

I love what DC is showing…. We bitch about it before and he is doing it and we still complain

You perform; you stay. Don’t and you’re cut!! That is it!!

Screw the money and cost as it’s already spent.

All the other players are seeing it now… our coaches mean what they say….


I think we’ve been kicking this can down the road for 3 years, it’s time to kick his can out the door.

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Let TK play a few season and he will probably put up the same numbers as Perriman.

Perriman has 125 catches for 2,066 yards in his career, and had his best season with the Tampa Bay Buccaneers in 2016 (36 catches, 645 yards).

If he is on the roster, next season, he’s a backup, IMO.
Guy we draft lights it the F uuuup!!! That’s my prediction.

So much hinges on Goff working out.

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I can see this… if TK continue ls to grow and produce, on ST as well, he’s a3/4 WR thats reliable…. And within cost….

I’ll take that to the bank baby!!

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