National media after Lions win

In most cases there is a respect for what the Lions have done and what they are doing. However, there is also a mourning of what the Packers are right now. There are also incredibly dumb takes.

One guy said that his recommendation to the Lions was that they draft a QB in the first round next year so they can continue their winning after Goff leaves. Had no idea that the Lions drafted Hooker.

The impression I get is that there are some media types that are legitimately happy for the Lions and their fans. Others seemed not that happy that the Packers might be supplanted as the team in the North. There is also this narrative that Dan Campbell is still a meathead.


I’m happy the Packers have to rebuild, finally.

Living smack in the middle of Packer country, I’ve lived through the Sunday morning parades, the super bowls and title towels, the Green and Gold in your face 24/7/365…but, Packer fans have been pretty chill about their success and treat Lions fans very well considering our ineptitude over the last decades. Most feel sorry for us.

I will be giving the same back to them and not rubbing it in their faces as the pendulum swings our way.


Hopefully they throw away the footage of Green Bay’s coach crying in the halftime interview, that was pathetic.

When another fan base treats you well it is only 1 of 2 reasons.

1- they are genuinely classy as a whole
2- you have sucked and they view you as non-threatening to their greatness…if it is reason 2 then you can expect things to maybe get not so friendly. See the GB vs Bears fans interactions if you need some scope and possible future outcomes.


I lived in WI for 20 years. Option 1 is not on the table, as they lack any and all class. Let them wine for a long time…


Here is my take. I can say a lot but we will see how this goes. First, it’s blatantly obvious that there is a built in narrative for certain teams that the NFL wants to take care of. We’ve seen for years that teams are literally allowed to break the most fundamental rules in the sport, as long as the NFL gets the outcome they want.

When it comes to Green Bay, we know they are one of those teams. The NFL and its media hype machine, every year they build and spin stories for the masses that these X teams are good, and will always be good. These X teams are bad, and will always be bad. Of course, due to the NFL’s “parity” or freak injury, some years there may be the odd blip on the radar, but by and large, these specific teams will always win. Even when those injuries happen, there is immediately rule changes made to never let that happen again. Remember the new Personal Foul for “landing on the quarterback”? That was the league’s response to Aaron Rodgers getting hurt on a routine tackle. Remember you can’t hit the QB low? That was due to Tom Brady. We all know we can go on here.

This year, one big narrative was “Jordan Love will continue the Packers QB legacy”. From the first game of the year, every story line was “Uh oh, the Packers did it again!” “Love picks up where Rodgers left off. He even did better than Rodgers his first game!” “Love leads Packers on epic comeback against Saints!” “This game will be the Green Bay Revenge for last year!” etc. Please, pay no mind to the fact that Love is doing terrible as a passer. Pay no mind to the only reason the Packers beat the Saints was because Carr got hurt, and a barrage of HORRIBLE calls were made that let Green Bay back in.

Last night, we all saw a clear attempt by the NFL try to fix this game, and maintain the narrative that the Packers are a good team. The Lions destroyed the Packers for every minute of the first half. The Green Bay fans knew they were outmatched and booed their own team. They Bronx cheered a first down which only happened on a penalty. Then halftime hits. All of a sudden, here comes a barrage of HORRIBLE calls, again. Unnecessary roughness for tackling in bounds. Pass interference for hand checking. Anything they could do to keep the drive alive. Up to, and including, literally ignoring the game clock and letting a play continue WELL after time expired. You literally have a ref whose only job is to watch the clock, and blow the whistle at 0:00 if the ball is not in play. That gifts the Packers their longest play of the night. Now, all of the talk is “Here comes the Packers!” “Comeback part 2!” “Can he do it again??”

Thank God, Dan Campbell has built the Lions to not be as mentally weak as we were previously. Instead of trying to fist fight everyone like Jim Schwartz’s teams did. Instead of going ultra conservative and waiting to die like Jim Caldwell’s teams did. Instead of choking time and again like Matt Patricia’s dagger time teams did, the Lions did something different. Yes, they got way to slow and conservative coming out of the half. Yes, they let the Packers offense have too many open looks in the 3rd quarter and lost momentum. However, once they stopped Green Bay’s 2 point conversion, the Lions came back out and absolutely punched Green Bay back in the face. They stormed straight down the field, and reminded the Green Bay Packers that this was never a game. The Lions toyed with them. I will say something Green Bay fans are all used to hearing. The Lions stood in Lambeau Field, during the Green Bay Revenge game and screamed “I still own you” to every Packer present.

The Lions are threatening the NFL narrative machine by taking the media darling teams one at a time. The NFL media wants to maintain their narratives that they spend time and money cultivating. They want the Lions to remain loveable losers. They don’t mind seeing us beat bad teams, or going 50/50 against middling teams. They do not want us walking in and beating the powerhouses. They don’t want the Lions taking down teams that the NFL media themselves have been propping up for years as unbeatable. This is why you have comments like asterisk wins, and all that BS. It’s just ways to explain away something that doesn’t match up with the narrative.

I know a lot was made about the Brad Holmes Villain stuff, and CJGJ took it in a very bad direction. To me, the whole Villain thing is not about being an evil menace. It’s about being different, and refusing to comply to an accepted standard. Holmes does this by making draft picks against the norm, taking a QB everyone said was trash, and he takes great pride in doing his own thing and standing up for his own beliefs. When you start to do things people don’t think you should, they try to make excuses, they try to play it down, they try to figure out ways to stop you because you are threatening their belief system, and threatening a safe world they have created for themselves.

I for one am very happy and excited to see Brad Holmes and Dan Campbell’s vision coming together, and watching the rest of the NFL freak out because they can’t even fix games anymore. This is the team I’ve been waiting to see step forward. One that didn’t have that one bad break beat them, and one that doesn’t even give a ref the chance to make that game turning call. I liked what Dan Campbell said after Hutch’s hold against Seattle wasn’t called. Don’t let the game come down to one call. He is exactly right. Last night, the ONLY damage Green Bay did to us was two drives that were both helped by officiating. Once the Lions put their foot back down, we did to Green Bay what elite teams used to do to us. Get a quick lead. Coast for awhile, giving the Lions hope that they are back in the game. Then a loud resounding NOPE, and they pounded the ball back in to remind us that the game was never in doubt. Last night, the Green Bay Packers got to feel what being a Detroit Lion used to feel like. Welcome to the new world!


UP Packer fans have some class i guess. Most of them anyway. I haven’t lived in GB for 30 yrs, but my wife is from there and I’ve never had a problem. I also don’t poke the hornets nest.

Great post @StormGuyNovi

The Lions are making this happen with QB that the very same NFL/media ran out of LA under a bunch of nonsense, because his coach had a personal issue with him.

Nothing could be finer than to shove it in the league’s face with none other than Jared Goff, the QB they tried to ruin.


you just nailed it brother
I was thinking of writing the exact same post. You have summed up exactly how I see it also. The NFL has favorites and a narrative, and the Lions will need to be better for many years before the Lions become part of the narrative. I am here for it. And if I was the Ford family I would have already had a meeting with the NFL powers and informed them that the BS with the refs better end or I will pull my advertisement. You leverage them where it hurts in their pocket book. How anyone could not see the blatant bias last night on the 1st drive of the 3rd is not paying attention. Hutch had shoulder pad not facemask, Aze hit the guy with his shoulder pad in bounds, and the triple zero stuff was complete BS.
But I also agree credit MCDC for building a culture that say, do not leave it to one call or one play. Keep pounding and never give them an inch. Over time that will yield results.

Great Post.

I might be wrong, I have no insider information, but I wonder if the whole “Villains” theme has to do with the Bad Boy Pistons. I will be the first to tell you I am a super fan of the1987-1990 Detroit Pistons. That team was a slight of hand away from three, maybe even four, straight titles in the golden era of the NBA (they won two). And what they learned was how to be the Villains. Its more than about being the “bad” guy. Its about finding an identity. They were the team nobody wanted in the Bird/Magic/Jordan lovefest. They were the team nobody was doing favors for. But with their mental toughness, they wrote their own narrative and forced the media to adjust to their reality. They were never going to beat the Lakers trying to be Showtime. They were never going to have a frontline like the Celtics. They found their own way. They became the Villains. They learned what the Celtics taught them about toughness and took it a step farther. Larry Bird hates Bill Laimbeer to this day passionately. IMO, its not because Laimbeer is dirty. Its because he got in his head. Bird always used to trash talk into player’s heads, and the Pistons learned how to get in his head. He couldn’t take his own medicine. Same with Magic. Magic was all hugs and kisses with Isiah to start the 88 Finals, but as soon as Magic realized the Pistons were a legit threat he acted out and tried to feign being tough.

Anyway, on this game - it was a great win. The Packers were down three all pro level players, and I know we have our own guys out but they will be better than this. What has happened though is we have gotten in the heads of the Packers. Our grit and determination has the refs throwing flags for basically hitting too hard.

Charlie Weiss on Sirius just now; " If the packers are the second best team in the NFC North there is a wide gap between the two teams at the top of the division."


Asterisk time.

On GB loss: To be fair, the Packers played without the left side of their offensive line, as David Bakhtiari and Elgton Jenkins sat out with knee injuries, and right tackle Zach Tom played despite a knee injury of his own.

I’ll respectfully disagree. Strong men aren’t afraid to cry. I’ve seen DC drop a few tears usually from happiness but none the less. The packers played better after the half. Emotional honesty can be a powerful coaching tool.

And they didn’t have Alexander at CB.

I don’t care about asteriks, I just want the W.

We destroyed them. Those players would have helped, but it just means we might have destroyed them a little less.

We are pretty banged up also

Two games away from JAMO time.


But he can come in the building now.

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Personally, I don’t think they would have put us in the kick off game if they didn’t want us to be part of the narrative. They saw the success of Hard Knocks.

Good point. League has bought into DC/BH and owner Sheila Hamp

And how many more national tv games do the media have that includes the Bears and Jets.