You are one of the few people on this board that are absolutely no bullshit.
You wouldn’t post it if it wasn’t something you were sure of.
I hope it happens bud.
Bald power
Yea Natty your word is gospel buddy! And I’m sure a lot of stuff can happen between now and then. There’s been so much talk about it that it seems possible. Crazy if it does. Thanks for the hope!!!
Love ya Natty. If its true, youre even more of a legend. If not true, just delete all traces of this thread and say someone hacked your account. It works for all the big celebs.
I believe that you believe that your friend believes. And I know you wouldn’t come stir the pot. I’m
Hoping your friend knows what’s up and price is reasonable
And reasons this deal could be delayed until “Tuesday” …
— Raiders fielding other offers. Brad could say “take two weeks to see if you can do better.” This is common.
— NFL trade deadline is Nov. 5. This trade would occur before but around that time
— Financial considerations of playing through week 8, off-loading some of the financial burden/more pro-rated (At this point, I’m making shit up, but you never know)