New CBA already approved by owners sent to union now to vote!

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Wow that was fast so far?!

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More records will be broken. If they increase the season games, they should also increase the 53-man roster and the practice squad.


It’s so funny that my childhood was filled with my favorite sports being locked out/on strike, and now they’re actually agreeing on things early in some sports.


Right and as a kid I was devastated when it happened.


This is great news …it would also allow for post 6/1 designations for cuts and trades in 2020 , while also removing the option of using the Franchise TAG and Transition TAG which will put a damper on Dallas’s possible plan …best part of all NO STRIKE . This is really good news

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If it got pushed through this fast by the owners, it’s probably not a good deal for the players. Hopefully, the players learned from the last CBA and don’t get taken advantage of this time around.


Understand the pessimist POV and I really do hope both side have learned from history, not ignored it.

If the Owners actually sympathized and empathized who knows? If I was an owner, part of my reconciliation would be taking a short term loss on the CBA vs a possible long term loss on a strike!

The players will get significantly more money with the added revenue and with today’s salaries I doubt many of these players want to sit out and just get older. I’ll bet many of them couldn’t afford to be out long either. Let’s face it, with more revenue the owners don’t want a strike either.

The one sticking point I see is Goodell’s judge, jury and executioner role. This is an area I think the players will want changes.

You feel this way because you are a good hearted person with strong morals.

Most people with the amount of wealth it takes to own a football team aren’t.


It’s in the deal. Most discipline is going to a neutral 3rd party allegedly

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GODell holds presser on new CBA


Darth Prater will rule the galaxy!


JJ Watt and Sherman already hard no against it. These older guys as team reps are going to influence and vote as THEY feel fit NOT as is best for the entire team. Sorry guys but this is about to possibly get REALLY ugly. They don’t get this approved ( owners already stated this is their last draft before deadline) there’s going to be a stoppage. That happens they’ll lose a lot of fans, myself might be included

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They have been negotiating for almost a year now. But once things heated up it appears close to getting done. Hopefully it does because I’m sure a hold out would have major negative effects on the NFL brand. Especially after the kneeling fiasco.

Didn’t see that pot tests were gone, little surprised unless owners are using it as leverage.

Looks like the players are hard against it. They want a 50/50 split and lifetime health insurance.

There’s changes but it’s still there.

It’s really weird out of the big 3 sports, NFL players get the least amount of the revenue split despite being in the most financially successful league.

If I’m them I don’t consider 17 games without a 50/50 split.

The rest of that stuff is window dressing

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