Next 4 and last 17 combining this discussion

Last 17 games Lions 11-6

Next 4 games:

Home Carolina
@ Tampa
@ Ravens
Home Raiders

Once again the Lions need to get to 4-0 or 3-1 to be legit. This is what good teams do.

Carolina - is a win all day. They are struggling on offense
@ Tampa - is not going to be easy, Baker competes and road wins are not easy
@ Ravens - I love how beat up they are, hate how they seem to be coming together a bit
Raiders - right now this looks like an easy win

So 2-2 appears to be floor, 3-1 is very doable, 4-0 and things get interesting. Like come the back half of the season I can see the Lions getting flexed into the Sunday night games if they are 7-1 and the halfway mark.

It all starts with this week. Prove you can stay on point and focused and beat up on struggling teams after big wins. The Lions need to get out in front and let that hype machine build. I want discussions of a 1 seed. Not their number they need to squeak in as a WC.

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Be careful. Going winless in the NFL is a very difficult thing to do.


Yes but beating one of the top 4 teams in the NFC is not going to be their first win or only win. It will be the Bears or Minny…or Denver or the Giants. Sorry but that is the facts.


That is exactly how the Cowboys felt when facing Arizona.

There is no such thing as an automatic win in the NFL. I guarentee that not one Lion player or staff is looking past Carolina.

Any Given Sunday


It looks to me like 2 revenge games in the next 3 weeks!

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True but there are easier targets.

Tampa Bay is a trap game for us. Beating Green Bay followed by revenge on the Panthers would have us playing in Tampa Bay after their bye week. As a fan, I can look at it like that. Dan is gonna have to do his Dan things to get them primed and lathered for the Bucs.


Please feel free to refer to my first post or @Wenotme 's post.

How bad is Evans’ hammy?

I’m saying 4-0 right now.
Tampa has been giving me vibes as one of those teams that has the NFC’s number this year and might sweep our division. But I think we are the better team; the Lions are 7-1 in their last 8 road games. Including 2 at Lambeau and on at Arrowhead. Law of averages catching up? Very possible there or @ the Ravens, but the statement was made in Lambeau about who is King of the North, now they’re going to visit some front porches and put the league on notice.
They ain’t scared of anybody.

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lol, hey, we’ve done a difficult thing!

Ravens are the only ones that worry me. We struggle against top notch coaching and he’s a vet’s vet.


As bad as the 2008 team was, even WE had a tough time pulling off 0-16. It took a phantom 42 yard pass interference call against the Vikings to pull out the perfect defeated season. Without that call by the refs we would have been stuck with winning a game and going 1-15.

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Your concern is only valid if you are a weakass team like Dallas.

Dak and crew think they are great and constantly think they are playing in HS football where they can just show up and win. This is why they never win during crunch time and never will as long as the poster child of overrated is the QB.

I just do not think the Lions right now have that concern. They are a very hungry team lead but a very hungry coach. And a team that missed the playoffs by a game last season. I am not worried at all that the lions will not be prepared properly to win. Now do injuries happen? Does the ball bounce bad? Yes. But if the Lions play their B or B+ game they will win. And I think that is kind of a lock right now.

I agree. Tough match up there too. But I just feel like Dan has subtly changed his tactics of motivation and setting their goals to aim a little higher to the point where he has these guys believing they can and will beat any team anywhere. They have moved past learning how to win.
I really want to see that be real.

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Think about the message Decker sent to his teammates playing through an ankle sprain last week so they could pound the packers. That has to resonate.

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I have to admit the Ravens game is a tough one.

Lamar was/is the type of player that can just win a game on his own. Hopefully the Lions can contain him. I despise running QBs. Which is why Mahomes is the best. A QB that can throw dimes and when needed and can tear off a 25 yard run. Lamar’s ability to throw dimes is debatable but he is the best running QB in the league and arguable the best of all time. Truth be told I will never not love watching Vick tear through a defense going mach-1 with that ball being held like a loaf of bread.

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3-1 is somehow the most realistic for me and not necessarily a loss to the Ravens.
I was so sure of winning against the Seahawks that I still don’t understand how it happened.
I kept thinking that now we are breaking the game and no way, that’s why I think there will be another one like that.

While I refuse to even allow a lose to be said so it will not be manifested. This is the NFL not college or HS.
All teams have ballers.
That is why I like to also go like this:
0-4 0%
1-3 0%
2-2 20%
3-1 60%
4-0 20%

It is rough out there


My notes:

  • We are 11-3 over the last 14 games. I can’t remember the last time the Lions had an 11-3 run
  • During that run Goff has five turnovers and the defense is giving up 20 points per game. That’s a recipe for success
  • During that run we have won six games by multiple scores, lost one by multiple scores and are 5-2 in one score games. Winning lots of games by multiple scores is the sign of a good team IMO
  • We have only three winning teams on our remaining schedule, and the easiest SOS in the league by quite a long way (Lions 0.365, Packers next at 0.392). Obviously that will change and it is still early in the season, but we do have a favorable schedule for sure
  • Losing to Carolina (again) is simply not an option. We should be beating up on them and recording another multiple score win
  • Back to back road games at Tampa and Baltimore is a tough run for weeks 6 and 7. I’m wary of Tampa because they have a good D and I think they’re underrated overall, and Baltimore always feels like a horrible game for us
  • After that, the schedule is very friendly. Raiders, Chargers, Bears, Packers, Saints, Bears, Broncos, Vikings. None of them are contenders. If we are contenders, then that should be 6-2 at worst with several multiple score wins
  • At Cowboys in week 17 could be an important game for seeding, or it could be a dead rubber. Dallas and Philly have the two hardest remaining schedules so it’s likely they drop a game or two more than is expected. Regardless, this is a very tough game and should be good preparation for the playoffs
  • The 49ers have the 8th toughest remaining schedule, so there is a path to the number 1 seed if we can take care of business in that run of games leading up to the Cowboys game. I’m not saying I expect it, but there is a path and if we can replicate the last 14 games over the next 13 games then we will be in the mix for sure
  • I’m looking forward to the week 18 “t-shirt and hat” game against the Vikings already
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