NFC contenders should hope Lions don't earn 7th seed, which says a lot about


Nice find:

Agree with this section:

They’ve arrived either half a season late or half a season early, depending on how you look at it. They either started too slow to salvage 2022 or got going a bit ahead of a 2023 schedule.

Or maybe this run is setting them up long-term and short-term.

“I think this is what you want them to taste,” Campbell said. “This has to become the norm. Once you begin to understand this, then it becomes you are playing for the division, you are playing for where your seeding is going to be, that’s coming.”

With five top-80 picks, including two first-rounders, in the 2023 draft, the future is bright. But the present is too. That means next week will be something close to a playoff game at Green Bay, whom Detroit beat back in early November to start this run. The opportunity is coveted.

“I think it means everything,” Campbell said. “I think it is just so special. It’s as good as it gets. You get to go to Lambeau, historic Lambeau and get to earn your right. I just think this is as special as it gets. You wouldn’t want it any other way.”

Campbell knows what he has here, a very capable team that for over two months has been about as good as nearly anyone in the NFL.

He may even get a chance to show it in the playoffs.


We have 3 teams fighting for the #7 spot and 4 teams that could end up at the #2 spot. Should be an exciting weekend of football.


If only we could have started even 2-5. We’d be in.
1 more freaking win. Just 1.
The first Minnesota game would have changed everything.
I know they were learning, but, if we don’t make it, that’s on Dan and Brad.
I love them both, but, they have to clean up a little. Santo (and trusting him) may have cost us a shot. I think every fan knew he couldn’t make a 48 yard FG.

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3RD and 1 yard in the bills game. You pick up that yard and we’re in the playoffs. Like to have that play call back??

We could do this all day.


It was part of the growing process and is actually what got us to where we are today. We are actually ahead of schedule, no one thought we would be playing a potential playoff entry game in week 18 this year.

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I picked them to go 11-6 in June.

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Putting teams on notice.


“the Lions have arrived either half a season late or half a season early, depending on how you look at it. Either way, the future is bright.”

I dig that.


7-2 in our last 9 games. Now upgrade the defense in the offseason!

Larry David Hbo GIF by Curb Your Enthusiasm


Just think, if we could have forced one punt against Seattle we would have clinched already and Packers would be already eliminated


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