NFL adopts Guardian protective caps

NFL players beginning to adopt protective Guardian Caps over helmets at practice (

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Interesting… if they really help prevent concussions, eventually they start wearing them in games?

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Didn’t see a pic in that article. Do they have that Great Gazoo look that Mark Kelso of the Bills sported?


Had the same thought
The claim is they reduce impact by 33%
If true, they probably will eventually become the norm
Everything evolves

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I looked them up, here’s a picture… I don’t think they look that bad, and they could always put a logo or cosmetically make it a little more appealing I’m sure. And like @MotorCityMadhouse said, if they reduce impact by 33% that’s pretty good


My question is what is it like playing in these. Anybody with experience know? Do they add weight to the helmet, limit vision, feel weird, anything?

Big head or little head?

It’s like playing with a giant afro.

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Players started this game out with leather helmets and no face masks. The polycarbonate helmet with face mask we know today shouldn’t be the end of the journey towards better safety gear while playing. I’m all for safety improvements that keeps players on the field and remembering their own name at the age of 60.


yea my grandpa used to tell me about playing with those ‘helmets’ when he was a kid in high school. no fask mask = punch someone in the scrum and break their nose. It’s only illegal if they catch you.


Mine too, and he was a halfback.

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Stop leading with your head and you also won’t get a concussion. I was always taught to hit with my shoulders and wrap up. That’s why they put pads there.

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That is true… I don’t know if the advent of the newer bigger helmets have a sense of invincibility or what but you used to and still see players lead with their head all the time. I wonder if not having a facemask and the old school helmets would make a difference, or if that would just open them up to other injuries like previously stated here.

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To me it seems like every player wants to make that espn highlight hit every tackle and look badass. Unfortunately most of the time it doesn’t happen and they get hurt or look like an idiot when the player bounces off and goes for another 20 yards.


Yay for the big ugly mushrooms!

NFL: Concussions dropped by more than 50% among players who wore Guardian Caps during summer -