NFL playoff picture: Postseason probabilities entering Week 17 of 2023 season

Essentially, if the Lions beat the Cowboys, then we need Seattle to beat the Steelers, so the Rams can’t clinch in week 17 and have something to play for in week 18 vs SF.

Browns win on Thursday and Dolphins beat Ravens.

Dolphins would have won the Division

Bills are locked into the 6 seed they will hopefully rest all their starters wk 18

Dolphins 1 seed

Baltimore vs Indy? Who already beat them

KC vs Buff? Who already beat them

Jax vs Cle? Who already beat them

What do the Lions need to clinch?

Oh, nevermind

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Makes for a lack of conversation at this time of year, huh. Now we have to live vicariously through other teams in a whole new way.
I could get used to it.


Don’t sleep on the Giants. They made things interesting against the Eagles. They could really throw a wrench in this entire thing if they beat LA. In which case, if that happens and LA falters down the stretch, we’d be guaranteed a game against either Green Bay, Minnesota, New Orleans, or Atlanta.

There’s A LOT for some of those things to happen, but none fall out of the realm of ‘solid possibility’ (again, assuming the Rams lose, which I’d say is unlikely … but possible).

Which, BTW, inject into my veins.

I wish I could find some mathematical way to do the ‘odds’ here, but in running through this scenario far more often than I’m comfortable sharing, here are the ‘realistic’ scenarios I’ve come up w/ …

  • Most likely: Seahawks
  • Second most likely: Rams
  • Third most likely: Packers, Vikings, Saints
  • Outside chance: Falcons

*I flipped SEA and LA just now. It’s contingent on us losing to Dallas, and things playing out as you would expect. That happens, we host Seattle. We beat Dallas, and things go as expected, we host the Rams.

Let’s go Riverboat Ron and Jacoby Briscuit

Get the ball to them playmakers

Have them Bama boys slow down CMAC

Do the unthinkable

Steal one at home from the wounded 9ers

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Los Angeles Rams

What to know: The Rams are the No. 6 seed in the conference after their win over the Saints. They hold the head-to-head tiebreaker over the Seahawks (No. 7).

Remaining schedule: at Giants, at 49ers

Lions as No. 2 seed probably play Seattle.

Lions as No. 3 seed probably play the Rams.

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We just need to beat Dallas first and everything else will take care of itself . As the young kids say Truss

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With Daboll doing this to the former starting QB

He’s given the Giants a chance against the Rams:

Rams should be Giants but certainly no gimme.

I do think we have a realistic chance to win at Dallas. Run the ball to keep defense honest and we should
be in the game.

We are tough against run so the question becomes can our defense contain the pass.

If you want to be the best, you have to beat the best.
That’s what the playoffs are all about. If we’re afraid to play a team, there’s no point to this exercise.


I agree with you Frog. I see too many Lion’s fans already writing this game off as a loss and will not listen to reason. The common response I see is “The Cowboys are 7-0 at home.” Forget the fact that 5 of those games were against teams that were below 500 at the time or that only 1 of them made it above 500. Then they got lucky when facing the Eagles as they were on their down period of the season. They also got lucky beating the Seahawks by 6. Also besides those 2 games the Cowboys have lost to every other above 500 team that they have played.

Forgive me if I am not buying into the whole Cowboys are going to dominate the Lions, that I see some fans buying into. I believe that the Lions can win this game, but the question is will they. I also believe that it will be a lot closer then some believe. I actually made a bet, something I never do, with another Lions fan that the Lions will not lose by 20 or more points to the Cowboys. Sorry even now going into this game I am confident that this will probable be a 1 score game.

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I was thinking about writting something similar to this… we have a shot and I know we will take it and let the best team win

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LOL well given the line is +6 right now , getting 20 points is a pretty safe bet. Tell you Lions fan to call me, I’ll take 20 points all day.

The team that wants this win the most is going to win. That’s the way it is with the top teams every year in the playoffs, and guess what. We can’t be worse than the #3 seed.
You know how some folks are saying it’s hard to take the Lions seriously?
This is a different team. These kids know nothing about that. They are winners. That’s what they know.
We’re the one’s that worry about other teams.
Dallas is just another team that has to be beat. Like Green Bay with Aaron Rodgers. Like KC.
News flash! Dallas is NOT seeded above us! And, they don’t have a better record than us.
Who beat us this year? Well, the number 1 AFC seed.
Dallas, Philly, and San Francisco all got embarrassed by teams they shouldn’t have lost to, and the 9’ers just lost to the Ravens.
We are one of the top 3 teams in the NFC. Go look at the standings. You are what your record says you are in week 15.
Nobody in the NFC is better than us! It’s about who has more fight in the dogs!

I want some fight like this brother!!

The Minister of Defense!!


I’ll see your Minister of Defense and raise you Goff, ARSB, Jamo, JRey, Lif, LaPorta, Gibbs, Monty, and the Best Oline in the NFL.
They have the same record as us.

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