NFL proposing change to rule that screwed Lions in 2023

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Thank goodness. Should have been in the rulebook to begin with.

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Screwed us with Baltimore game, with the record setting winning field goal a couple years ago as well.

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Truly asinine that its only the game clock. So game clocks are holier than play clocks?

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Depends on who’s playing. Someone was given a free play at the end of the 1st half in the playoffs. Can’t remember who it was (think it was KC) but the game clock had expired and the ole “look up, look down, look up” delay was afforded them.

So stupid. You’re a multi-billion $$$ organization for crying out loud. Let the clocks be the clocks and not give it up to a human element that involves 'an operation of viewing the game clock and looking down to see if the ball is snapped".

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The NBA has the shot clock that is measured in tenths of a second towards the end so it’s exceedingly simple to fix this. If the Institute the rule on the play clock what would happen is that teams would adjust and no longer run all their BS right up until the last second they actually make sure there’s a decent buffer.


One thing Matt Patricia had right: Goodell is a clown.


I’m already thinking of how this new rule will be used to screw the Lions. I see a 70+ yard TD with 1 second left on the clock getting taken away because “ After further review, there was a second on the clock at the snap but I think it should have been zero”.

Clowns are very good at recognizing other clowns. It starts with the incompetence but the dead give away is usually the big red nose. :wink:


True, that ATV was Patricia’s own little clown car.

Theres ZERO reason why in the NFL, a multi billion dollar industry is still relying on the human element for ball placement and timing


Ball placement is still going to require a judge to determine where the ball is when they were down or where forward progress was (or if forward progress was given up by the ball-carrier).

Clock though? No question. They can get it going and they can stop it, but as far as measuring the snap against an expiring clock, that should be automatic and reviewable.

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But couple the two together. Real time GPS and timing.

Sure for placement on a normal play can be done with the human element.
But on reviews?

Looking at replay. Stop the play at the time the player is down and the gps can determine ball placement.

Especially since the “brotherly shove” isnt going anywhere.

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Don’t they know that could slightly inconvenience offenses! Oh the humanity!

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