NFL pushing back free agency?

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Everything can be done over conference calls and such. No reason for it not to go on.


I totally agree. To many tools to use to come to an agreement. Fax, FaceTime, Skype etc etc

I would agree that maybe a final meeting needs to be pushed, not the start, or a discussion to finalize the agreement. Virus’s do not pass through phone lines or the internet.


I think they just want the CBA completed

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No sports and maybe a push back to FA. This is getting sad.


Well…not those types of viruses anyways

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Half the league uses Avaya and the other half Cisco for their communication platforms. Of course, the entire league uses Microsoft Surface tablets. If I were a betting man, I’d say there are already negotiations for which of them will be the official collaboration tool of the NFL. I would expect Microsoft Teams to pay the most, though Cisco is pretty desperate right now and could be willing to spend a fortune to place WebEx Teams in there.