*** Official Lions vs Washington: **** In game chatter thread

Vilma looking like he could still suit up. Someone get Sheppard up to the booth quick.

prepare yourself. He will likely be injured by halftime and we will end up having to announce over the PA “Is there a guard in the house?”

“Anyone who can come down and play guard will get free tickets to next weeks game and microwave hot dogs from the Oline meeting room”

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Huge concern. Very frustrating that we spend so much resources into our OL and it’s always down a couple starters.

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Who!? Are we signing guys off the couch already!?

Playing my mind games. We lose today and I am infallible, I cannot be wrong. The universe cannot possibly make me wrong. We have zero chance to win this, I have spoken.

Put me in coach!! I got 2 plays at least, maybe 3, but not 4.


Lets make this a close game. Need the offense to pick up the slack for the defense

Vegas still has a Lions W by 1 point…I just put $50 on WSH, easy money

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… just kidding. Carry on.


Swift not starting today, but he is “dressed”. Well, at least he

We all needed that :joy:

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duuuuuude not funny…ok it was funny lol

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Alright let’s go Hutchinson, two sack day would be great

Swift not starting today, but he is "dressed. Fantastic. Glad to know his ankle didn’t hinder him from putting pants on.


lions oline…ooooof

The Drew Forbes era begins today!!

And then Swift starts lol

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Lol, and Sewell is the guy who jumps in a quiet home stadium, and not the backups…nice of sol to make an early showing

Meh. Penei jumps…forced throws…

Skipper at LG….

Well this looks promising.