**Officially Official** Hard Knocks: Episode "Tear-Jerker" Thread

Might be slightly numb-er for us since we know who is cut and we know what we have seen from said player.

With that said, it’s still not easy watching a guy lose his job; which there should be plenty of unless they have decided this is the year to do it differently with the last episode.

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And right into it.

MCDC already crying. Tom Kennedy was a tough one.


MCDC to Godwin - “You’re going to get your chance and when you do, I hope to Hell we don’t have to play you, but if we do, I hope you give us Hell.”

You can tell these are tough for him.


And Reynolds barely beat out Igwebuike, who’s currently unemployed.


Lucas is on the team because he won’t leave the coaches alone and just keeps following them around. He’s like a bad penny you can’t get rid of haha


LOL those quads

Looks like Mike Tyson.


Rodriguez: #2 requested jersey on the whole team. And now, apparently a Detroit Cowboy.


Our fans know who we are… yes we do. Build the D!

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Closing the episode out, Dan was asked “The 2022 Detroit Lions will be”… and he had to think for a while. Might have even been 2 minutes.

MCDC: “The 2022 Detroit Lions will be the team that can, and will.” - end statement.



Good finale. Everyone seemed to take the cuts pretty well. Felt bad for all of them but they seemed to take it with a good attitude. Felt a little worse for Dan skipper just cuz you could see in his face he was upset.

It’s a long season, I’m sure guys that are FA now like Godwin will get another shot.

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Just finished watching this. Will re-watch it tomorrow when I’m sober… Then comment


Agreed, this seemed different from the usual heartbreak on Hard Knocks. But I will point out as @DetroitStrong saw, they made sure to thank MCDC and Brad and talk about what an opportunity it was and how much they loved being around those two specifically and just how motivated they were by being part of training camp.

It was weird in terms of Hard Knocks. You could tell that even though we all know they were disappointed, they were so appreciative of being in that environment with coaches and teammates.

I think that says a lot. I think one player even said, “I see what you’re building here.”

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that is the crux , you see the better and better we become , we have to make really painful cuts. before “most of the time” it was too bad, but not a huge deal.

now, the team is becoming a formal weapon with many useful players , so…it’s going to be an interesting ride from now on-with tougher and tougher choices to make.


It was impressive how complimentary the players who were being cut were of Brad and Dan. They see what they’re building in Detroit and respect how they’re going about it. DC’s quote at the end was epic. The Lions will be the team nobody wants to play this year.


Yup, I said the same a couple posts earlier. I think we were probably just typing at the same time but couldn’t agree more.

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I think that was Eze who said on his way out he sees what they are building and they are creating a culture where men can be themselves, something like that.

Absolutely agree with you!


That DC quote at the end was awesome for sure! And love how they showed the whole time he took to give his answer.


Yes that was it. Knew he was going to the practice squad and couldn’t have been happier. I understand practice players still get paid pretty well, but you could tell he did NOT want to leave Detroit. After hearing MCDC and Fraley talk to him, I am rooting for this kid be it 2023 or 2025.


I also loved the “Netflix” conversation. When you’re the head coach having a private conversation with your DEFENSIVE coordinator and AG is telling you that you don’t want to lose this guy. That says a lot about Reynolds.