OK, guessing game. Where does Stafford go?

I just read that the Lions want to do this by the Super Bowl. As I just wrote in another thread, I thinks that is foolish. I think the compensation offers will grow with time. They have at least a month to do this. Of course, the Lions won’t do the smartest thing! Maybe they will this time.
OK, I say …
Nw England!

What say you?

I don’t think it affects his value to have a time table. I’d want them to wait until the 2021 cap is announced, because I think it’s going to be higher than is reported (and maybe teams already have an idea from internal discussions with the league), but if the cap is $190M or even $200M, you bring in other suiters. I don’t think it’s an issue with having an early deadline to get a trade done, but I do think the Super Bowl is too early. But it does get teams to get their offers together now instead of letting it drag out.


I think that due to Stafford and Matt Ryan’s friendship, San Fran and Kyle Shanahan is his 1st choice by a country mile. He also knows how close they are as a team, having just been there last year. (This assumes Matt Ryan absolutely loved playing for Shanahan for his offensive mind and for having them ~this~ close to a SB championship in Atlanta.)

I believe the team will accommodate Stafford’s request… to a point. At some point, the offers are either so low that he stays or so much better that they send him to someone other than the Niners.

In the end, I think they hammer out a deal with the Niners.

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I think maybe 49ers with new England involed, like them trading Jimmy G for some pics using them pic to make deal with Lions. but no way he goes to New England he will not play for a team with Patricia around, and I’m pretty sure he seen enough of that Patriot way.


I think they want him in the AFC, but will take the best deal.

Colts would be stupid to pass him up.

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I believe he ends up either in SF, Indy or Washington.

If choosing one I will go with the oddball and choose Washington.


If Brees officially retires then you can’t keep NO out of the equation. That would be pretty sick for Matt if he ended up there… That offense, whew! Great team overall and a winning culture.


i might have missed it—when is the cap anouced

Hard to say. Last year they were approving the new CBA, so the final number was reported right before UFA began. My guess is around mid to late February, but whatever number is approved, it’s got to be approved by both the owners and the NFLPA.

Carolina, the Darkhorse wins by a nose.

Saints are financially screwed. No team in the nfl has a worse cap situation. No chance at Stafford unless they cut half the roster, which aint happening.

I was thinking Colts but now after seeing the picks Denver has i think they could step in an do it really fast.

This years Denver picks this year
1st Rd 9
2nd Rd 40
3rd Rd 71

they also have 6 more a 4th,5th 6th an 3 in 7th