On the plus side.

There is only ONE 3 - 0 team in the NFL right now!

The Dolphins (gulp!) who have snatched victory from defeat twice this year. 14 games left.


NFL is crazy this year
Dolphins are going down.
SB is gonna be Bills/Eagles
Conference title games

We’re still ranked 16 in the “Power Tankings”, er, Rankings.

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I was like what happened to the eagles??

Last I checked Philadelphia hasn’t lost either.

Oops. OK, two teams

And we came within 3 points of one of the two.

And we’re 3rd in total offense and 2nd in scoring offense. If that were to hold up the qw’re likely a WC team.

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I’ve said it repeatedly. Go 2-2 in the first four and go from there. Then game 5. For me at least, I probably (and over-dramatically) feel that there is a HUGE difference between 3-2 and 2-3 heading into the bye.


Preseason, I predicted we’d be around .500 going into the bye, as well as around .500 after our first 9 games…then tear up teh back end of the schedule.

Injuries to Ra and Swift have shaken my confidence a little, but I still think we’ll get 10 wins.

Ra’s gotta get right and hold tight until his buddy comes in there. JaMoss will change things, for sure.
I love that there is no film on him yet.
Ra + JaMoss…niiice!
Swift is great, but he’s been available about half of the time.

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I looked again and realized there aren’t any winless teams in the NFC. Vegas has the worst record.

Vegas has the worst record but they have decent talent and they are well coached. They are not going to win 12 games or anything silly like that, but I think they will be a good example of overreacting to the early weeks of the season. They are a victim of circumstance and some early bad bounces more than anything. They certainly will not end the year as the worst team in the NFL.

As a fan I love how poetic the Raiders situation is right now. For Josh McDaniels and anyone in Denver, they would tell you that the worst thing that could have happened to Josh McDaniels was starting 6-0 and beating Bill Belichick. It created a monster that thought he walked on water, to the point where his players ended up using “malicious obedience” to prove a point and lose damn near every game for the next 20+ games. Where I see the poetic nature of the situation is that he spent so many years waiting for the right fit, including pulling out of the Colts job at the last minute. And now he is sitting at 0-3 with a team that is definitely better than that, and he’s coaching the team better than that. If Josh can pull this out and have a successful run, I will always remember how he was given the “gift” of losing that was the opposite of the “curse” of winning that he and everyone else said was his undoing in Denver.

Or maybe they just suck and I am full of shit.

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There’s such a razor thin margin between having a good season or a bad one. A couple bounces here and there, a couple bad penalties and lousy injury timing could be the difference between being a 5 win team and a 10 win team. That’s how the nfl is these days. Talent is pretty even across the board give or take a couple teams. Officials seem to impact more games than players do anymore. Coaching has become extremely important. It’s not like it used to be back in the 90’s and early 2000’s. Now it seems like you have to have the entire organization right to win consistently.


This is literally what the current Packers run is based on. The “bounces” are not left up to chance. The refs step in to make sure of it.

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That AND elite QB play.


There’s going to come a point in the future, not anytime soon, where it’s going to be revealed just how corrupt and fixed the nfl and college football really are.


How pissed would you be if it turned out the Ford family was getting paid off all these years to field a loser? All those years you spent rooting for a team that never had a chance?

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I hate this…and it’s 100% true. Zebras are ruining th integrity of the game.

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I think that would be very bad for that family. Lots of unstable people in the world nowadays. At the very least Ford motor company probably goes out of business.

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