One Player I don't Want Drafted By Lions

I am not anti any school an I know he has nice athletic ability.
Chop Robinson I watched an he has it all except to finish an you can find others in later rounds that have that ability. I know some may disagree an thats fine but when you have all ability he has an doesn’t finish not few snaps but many every game

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I haven’t watched any of his film but I am sure that if you seen this, then Brad has too

I do not want the Lions to draft ME. I would lose all respect for Brad’s eye for talent. :rofl:


I didnt see anything special either but he has a 9.69 RAS. And you know how much brad loves his RAS

Only athletically. He has almost no real football skills. If you draft him, you’re banking on the idea that you can teach him how to play football. (And if you can, you probably have a HOF talent)


Great prospect and player. Would be very happy if the Lion’s decided to select him assuming he checks those off the field boxes

Kinda sounds like when we drafted Ziggy Ansah… he had barely played football


I’m really a fan of the happy balance approach. There’s some guys with great instincts and limited athleticism and vice versa. I believe you have to have an extraordinary love of the game to overcome either limitation.

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We were pretty bad at finishing plays. Lots of pressures, not sacks. Lots of missed tackles. We don’t need more of that.


Sure, but that’s kind of a big only. It’s damn near like saying that model is “only pretty”.

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Were talking football not beauty contest also we are drafting football players not a track team .Sure that helps but more to playing than part of track team. I just see a player who has a lot of ability an then stops or at times avoids the finish. We are not talking even rd 2 its pick 29 .

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Hold on… I’ve been told several times by a popular den member that being handsome is the key to finding good players. Also apparently being bald helps as well.

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I watched at least 10 PSU games this year and a lot of film break down on this guy Chop that everyone is saying is not good at football. He looks pretty good to me. He generates speed to power and understands leverage. He can explode off the line and knock OTs back when they off set to stop his speed rush. If they sit back to anchor he can go around them in a heartbeat. I don’t really care what his stats are this guy is disruptive when he is on the field. PSU had 3 or 4 other NFL players in their front 7 but opposing coaches made sure to keep at least 2 guys on number 44. Just my opinion.


I have yet to see such posts here
Who is this mystery bald man you speak of?

Here he is…

Haircut GIF by Eternal Family




For me it’s Ennis Rakestraw. It’s not because I don’t think he’s a bad player per se, but a CB with that many injury issues is a problem even by Holmes standards IMO. While he has that physicality that BH likes I just don’t think he’ll be a very good man coverage guy(this is what AG wants) unless he becomes an elite technician like a Richard Sherman which I’m skeptical on.

Chop Robinson…


But, the “No Turds” policy. If you don’t finish plays, you go to the “Turd” list. RAS can’t save you.

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Jermaine Burton WR from Bama not even if he was free