OUR Magic Number is 3 for the NFC North title

But we have to worry about two teams now, GB and Minnesota.

I think the technical way to express it is:

Any combination of (Lions wins OR Vikings losses) AND (Lions wins OR GB losses) and we win the NFC North.

Five game to get three wins and we don’t have to worry about either of them.



We are going to win our next three games, so it doesn’t matter what Minnesota and Green Bay does.


If not mistaken I believe MN plays GB somewhere in the next month.

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they do. root for a tie, that dings them both!


Week 17 I believe, same week we play Dallas.

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Yeah. Week 17.
Minny finishes their season Detroit-GB-Detroit.

@dndlion that stinking bye week gets someone on the math every time. LOL


Technically, that makes out magic number 2 for at least one of them, we just don’t know which one!

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