Packers face grueling 3-game stretch run in playoff bid

Good, can’t think of a franchise that deserves it more (except maybe the Bears and Vikings)


I’m not a big fan of Yahoo Sports. They really missed the key point, FTP.

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The packers WR’s are getting better every week and they still have Jones and Dillon

If they get by Miami I believe they beat the Vikings and out last game with them will be for a playoff spot for them

Everyone has buried them already, I wouldn’t be too quick until we see how Miami plays


Miami can’t afford to lose this game. They just had a tough 3 games against playoff teams. I’m betting they they put a hurting on GB.


That is what I am hoping for
I hope they don’t lay a dud of a game


Miami should be primed for the Packers. They’ll have 2 more days rest, be at home, and NEED a win. On the other hand, I don’t think much of Mike McDaniel as an inspirational leader. I hope Miami doesn’t need that against the Pack.


Again! Why I was hoping the Rams would beat them…

But, it we win Sunday, we keep them at bay!


green bay packers thanksgiving GIF


Even if we win out and lose to the packers don’t we still own the tiebreaker against them?

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Try the EPSN playoff simulator…,

Warning: addictive

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Who has the tiebreak if the Packers win and we finish with the same record?

I fiddled with the playoff simulator and it seems to depend on some other games like if the Jets beat Miami then were in over the Pack. If Miami wins the Pack gets in. (last game of the season). This assuming the Commanders and NYG (and Seattle) lose enough not to be an issue.

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Fak The Pack, about time they had A era of bad luck paired with losses !!!


I’m having to set back from it with my addictive self…

We will see Sunday night!!

We win and I’ll get back into it