Panthers owner David Tepper attends practice. Here’s who else was on the field Friday

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Lions and Panthers both missing some top players…
hopefully the long list of “questionable” Lions can all play.

Interesting that Tepper was on the field with the GM and Asst. GM…. checking in on the staff??? or looking at possible trade options???

eyeballing talent and seeing how we run things–I don’t like it , smells of spying to get an edge up for our game .

Tepper was watching his Panthers practice….
in North Carolina. :wink:

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well gee it said he attends practice-I assumed OURS because this is THE ONLY team I ever watch or follow—so easy to see how I thought it was our field and our guys. --I’m all silly like that.
unless it’s a crucial game between other teams that really affect The Lions --I have only watched our team the vast majority of the time over many decades.

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