
This man is correct. It’s a shame it’s such a story. The world is sympathetic to the opponent. …maybe she should have boxed better (for the record, I believe at the end of round 1 she just dropped to her knees and started crying and forfeited).


It’s not that black and white actually

Just for the information to be “? More” accurate

Cut and paste from USToday article -

Khelif reportedly has differences of sexual development, known as DSDs, the organizations said in a Fact Sheet released Friday. Having DSD is not the same as being transgender.

What is DSDs?

Differences in sex development is a set of rare conditions involving genes, hormones and reproductive organs that can cause the sexual development of a person to be different than others, according to the NHS.

Sometimes, this can lead to a person having XY chromosomes but develop otherwise female.


All I know is if that is a woman she is one of the ugliest women I ever seen!


Clearly a dude… lol


I’m not buying the bullshit the Olympic committee is trying to sell here. It’s a rare condition but there is one from Algeria and China? I call bullshit they are trying to sell us fantasy. I bet He/She has a cock.


So how would this benefit the Olympic committee? In what possible way could they benefit? They most likely knew it could cause some controversy. But all the pictures of her as a child she is dressed as a girl. It has been determined that she has a real and verifiable medical condition. Does this condition give her more speed and power? Most likely. The bigger question is how do we handle these situations in the future? Should women be disqualified if their bodies produce too much testosterone? Where’s the cutoff point? To me, if she has a natural vag, that’s it, she fights as a woman, no matter how scrambled her chromosomes are. And don’t get me started on hermaphrodites :joy:. Sometimes I think people just look for things to be angry about these days. Take a deep breath. It’s all going to be ok. It won’t change your life one iota. I promise.



Do you “know” that or read it somewhere?

The articles I’ve read all agree there is some type of genetic abnormality going on but which exact abnormality seems to be in question.

There is no doubt that female was the gender assigned at birth and that she was raised as a girl. It is also rural Algeria. One of the conditions I read about often appears as female looking genitalia but the child is actually male. Further testing would be done in developed counties as the genitalia wouldn’t look exactly normal. In rural Algeria it would more like “girl” and that would be it.

The real question is if this genetic abnormality gives a physical advantage over woman without genetic abnormalities.

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Here comes another one…


Being 7’+ tall is a genetic abnormality that gives some a physical advantage.

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I’m confused…

magic show


Iron Michelle Tyson… reminds me of the South Park episode… called Strong Woman.

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Ridiculing a person for something entirely out of their control is punching down and lame if you ask me.


Being 7’ tall isn’t the same thing as having a Y chromosome in women’s boxing. The NBA has 100’s of guys that were 7’ tall.


Perspective folks

I don’t care how she “normally” says what and who they are ….

But, moving into the Olympics? Add a twist that has to be considered - like it or not…

How? Beats me as I’m not an Olympic analyst…. But if this person is “genetically different” enough…. The position becomes solid to not allow that oerson to be eligible for this particular event or in any professional level…

You can’t disabuse this fact or reasoning imho

I’m just glad I am not part of it all……

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Her career record is 37 - 9 with just 5 knockouts. You’d think she was at Mike Tyson’s level of domination with the stink being made. What if her Y chromosome replicated Barney Fife?

And maybe…maybe…the other woman just sucked?


They don’t have separate leagues for those over 7’ tall and those under 7’ tall.

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Olympics be like…


Watching golf now, only Olympics I have watched.

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