Paschal, Okudah, Onwu, Jamo

Ok, who do you think has the biggest positive impact on the team:

A: this year?

B: long term?

A - Okudah, Jamo, Paschal, Onwu

B - Jamo, Paschal, Okudah, Onwu

Perplexing that our front office whiffed so badly on Levi and his back issue. Seems like it was something that should have been caught … but of course mistakes happen. (especially by the Lions in the second round.)

Is this a trick question?

A: Okudah

B: Jameson


A: this year?
JaMoss - cuz if he played the entire season, we’d be drafting 5 spots lower
B: long term?
JaMoss - Cuz he’s JaMoss. Once he’s healthy and has a full offseason of working with Foxxxx!!! KABOOM!!!

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Obviously I agree with your answers. Just want to see if anyone is still optimistic about Onwu moving past any of the other three.

Holmesbell were pretty hyped when they got him in the second round.

Hey look!

The Shield apparently had a BOGOFP sales in 2nd rd injured Dlinemen!

Buy One Get One Full Price

Back injuries on athletes are like baby mommas…you think you got rid of it, but helll no…that aint ever going away…its just gonna cause you trouble at different times and places than you first had trouble because you got all exicted and hot an bothered over something that looked better than it was…




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And while I think a good corner is really important, they are judged moreso on what they don’t allow to happen with their given receiver. So a good receiver will always have more of a positive impact than a good corner.

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Agree → especially with the DL they are building. :wink:

no brainer.

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yep… the recent contracts signed seem to confirm that WR & Edge >>> CB …. in terms of perceived value.

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