Penei Sewell Mic’ed Up

Really cool part was with Madden Crosby. He said something along the lines like

“Dan Camp seems like the man”.

Sewell “Yea he’s been through it”

Crosby “Yea you can respect that.

Goes on to say he grew up in Michigan a Lions fan.

It’s pretty cool how other players are starting to take notice.


“The best O-lineman are the one’s where you never hear their name.”

…Frank with that low-key OL swag :joy:


They had Frank snap the ball and then stand there watching, it was illegal for him to block…haha


Bring Maxx home. Hutch and Crosby would be legit!

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Crosby: “I was going to say, Dan Campbell seems like the man.”
Sewell: “He’s a great guy, bro.”

[editing cut]

Sewell: “Like, he’s been through it, so you know what I mean?”
Crosby: “You can respect that.”

[editing cut]

Crosby: “I grew up in Michigan, so…”
Sewell: “Oh, for real?”
Crosby: “And I went to Eastern Michigan, so I grew up a Lions fan.”


dudes only 25, i and i dont mind spending money on his position.

I’d throw Vegas a 1st for em

They need to change that next year and let them go out for a pass. We all want to see that. Lol

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We should have just drafted him, I loved him coming out and couldn’t believe he lasted as long as he did. Of course given his early-career demons he might not have survived so close to home, but he’d look great on our roster now.

idk if #18 gets Maxx but I’d even throw in Swifty to sweeten the pot.

were gunna draft another RB anyway

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