Petition for Nate to censor "SOL" on this website

Obviously, ■■■■ is censored. Now that SOL is dead it should be censored too, right?


I approve this message


peace out GIF by KING OF THE ROAD


How about we make Sf*d a curse word and have it all black blocks?

First time using it = 1 day ban
Second time = 7 day ban
Third time = perma ban!


New Orleans Party GIF by Fandor

No more SOL


I gotta say, and nothing against anybody here because we’re all in this together outside of that one obvious troll in the GDT tonight, but the “this game is over” posts were really frustrating to read tonight. I know there’s some heat of the moment posts and I should just accept that but it makes the GDT a difficult place to be at times.


As a long time, life long, hardened SOL connisuer, I agree with this…THIS game under the circumstances with Stafford, etc, was the peak demon monster that is SOL. I’ll even say, SOL IS ■■■■■■■ DEAD NOW.


Step Brothers Yep GIF by reactionseditor

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I mean, you literally saw decades of trauma coming to fruition, and yep, I admit, I was folding…but the team didnt, and I ■■■■■■■ LOVE THEM FOR FINALLY PULLING ME OUT OF THE LIONS FAN ABYSS.


I bet this is about me.

I mean, it should be your signature as much as you use it.

But lots of people were being SOL fans at the end. SOL is dead


Its my jinx thing . It works every time.

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Who cares, enjoy it, own it, embrace it, this is finally BNL to negators of our ilk.


“XXX” is the trigger for Lions PTSD and we all have it to some degree. It should never be used to trigger us… the PTSD is real.

I seriously think this team can win the Super Bowl, this year.
They’ve learned how to win. Nobody in the NFC is too good for us.
Baltimore worries me a little. We’ll see.
I have no real preference, next week. I have been telling myself we need some practice for Jackson, so, maybe Philly would be a good warm up?
Then, I tell myself, maybe Baltimore can’t make it to the big game. Why test our weakness, twice.

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How about Keep SOL, just change its meaning but censor MartinMayhew?

Aw hell. Get rid of them both.


Keep it! Soon SOL will mean multiple divisions and a few super bowl wins! SOL could be changed to a good thing over time!

SOL is wayyy too useful.

Rams use of timeouts… so SOL.
Rams moving the ball so much but coming up short in the redzone… so SOL.
Rams punting in the 4th to one of the league’s most lethal offenses (instead of throwing against the league’s worst big-play defense)… so SOL.