PFF Discussion About Lions Draft

They’re fixated on positional value of Gibbs and never unwad their panties, though they ultimately like our draft. This is time-stamped for the Lions. You can check out other NFC team grades too if you like.


Man if I hear the word “VaLuE” one more time… :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:


Guaranteed value every time!

chris farley Tommy Callahan GIF


PFF is one place that will never like the process of our draft. Any analytics based organization really. And that’s fine, there’s more than one way to bake a cake.


Value makes itself known in the W/L column.
When you pick great players, your team gets better. That’s the only value that matters.
A first round QB for a team that has a top 10, proven NFL QB is a bad value.
Whereas, it’s a good value for a team that doesn’t have a pro QB.


It’s not popular around here but there is a degree of truth to positional value. I mean look at the last 2 Superbowl winners…

Can anyone name the MLB’s for the Rams or Chiefs on the winning Superbowl teams? How about the RBs? Most don’t even know who the 2nd stringer on the Rams is and the Chiefs main guy was a 7th round draft pick.

I’m not saying there’s only one to skin a cat. I like how Detroit has built a solid all around roster. Me personally though, I would have done what I could to get Anderson and followed that up with JSN and just kept Swift and focus on RB next season.

That said. Gibbs and Campbell both look like immediate impact players and Branch and Hooker were great picks where they got them. Overall it was a nice draft by Detroit.


I like Steve. Sam is really sharp but sometimes the hubris just goes nuts with him.

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What’s interesting about that is the Chiefs drafted a 1st round RB, but the 7th round pick was better. You just never know.


Which alludes to my point that RB value can be aquired far more easily without using a premium pick. Gibbs really needs to be a Kamara level player to justify the pick imo.


Completely agree. He’s gotta be electric to be worth the 12th pick in the draft. The Lions clearly must think he is. Holmes almost broke the table in the war room after drafting him. I sure hope they are right.


More first round QB’s fail than succeed.
Talk about horrible value. You can take a top 5 QB, and there’s a 75% fail rate.

Is it the same pff guy that knocked our draft because he doesn’t like Goff?

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Well sure but Detroit didn’t need a QB. They needed defense (particularly CB). Also, pass rush is what wins in todays league. The winning model is good oline, good QB, good recievers and a pass rush. Ala Rams and Chiefs.

Reality is RB and MLB just doesn’t move the needle much. Not saying it won’t help Detroit. I’m just more into proven success models.

PFF says Goff had the most turnover worthy plays in the history of football. I say I’m ready to roll with the guy who must be the luckiest son of bitch on the planet.


Until you can assign a number to intangibles, pure analytics will always fall short. Especially in football where grit and love of the game is essential in keeping guys performing to their max potential.

What good is it to draft a guy like Albert Haynesworth at an impact position and only get one great season out of him in his contract year? There’s always going to be a blend of art and science to building a football team. And the teams that are better at the art side will be more successful in the long run. Every team has access to analytics. The edge will belong to the GMs that have that gut feel or intuition that guides them.


Well our TE & RB drafted can both play WR so there’s that.

St Brown

Boy genius Ben Johnson gonna have a field day with them 4. Our 5th:

6th OL

Good luck defending with that flexibility & them packages


This years Super Bowl winner drafted a RB in the 1st round.


And that player is a bust and was out performed by a 7th rounder. Thus proving the point of positional value. I’m not understanding how using a example of a 1st round bust proves the latter to be true???

A RB who lost his job to a 7th round rookie midway through the season, then got injured - again (missed multiple games in every season since he’s been drafted), contributed absolutely nothing to the Chiefs Super Bowl run (wasn’t even activated, despite returning from the IR), and just had his 5th round option declined.

CEH is exactly the reason that analytics point to positional value when it comes to RBs and the reason you are really opening yourself up to regret when you take one so high. You can pull the “well they drafted one and still won” - but they did it in spite of the selection, not because of it.


They are arguing that the Lions don’t know how they are going to use Gibbs.

Sure. I’m positive BJ is just utterly puzzled

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