Players leave GB, NE, get worse

Patriots players had a tendency for years to leave NE and get worse.

GB Oline especially had a strong tendency to leave GB and get worse.

If every call goes your way, its hard to play bad.
Come to Lions, now everything you do is a flag. Even if they other team does it to you.

Flowers hit in the face, its a penalty on HIM.

Real talk. Is there a point to watching the games in this environment?


Im wondering… and I’m not kidding…

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You can blame the victim, you dress like you want it, who can blame a guy for hitting it. In this case, the NFL knows the Lions are rape victims and the only blame will be they incite the referees by wearing those provocative jerseys. I bet the mf’ers in the league office won’t even apologize, they will release a statement about judgement calls.


Yup - my guess too.

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There is no point watching.
Action movies are cool and all, I guess, but, we all know they’re not real life.
Anybody that bets on football (sports) is a fool!
Low odds on the “good” teams, high odds on the teams they will not let win. Guess who makes money? The ones rigging the league!

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In my opinion? No.