Players Not Back?

Obviously, we can’t bring everybody back. Really liking this team, will be tuff to move on from guys. Who do u see us moving on from, either cut, trade, or not resigning?

My take:
J Jefferson
C reynolds

I know there is more, especially due to finance, or constnt injury risks.

Analzone will definitely be back. They love that guy and he’s cheap enough to have as part of a rotation even if we pick up other guys this offseason. I also think Sudfeld will be back. Working with Jared is the most important part of the backup job and Nate seemed to do well in that category. Even if we bring someone else in I think Nate will be a part of the QB room. Part of me is glad that Vaitai got injured so that the staff isn’t tempted to keep him.

Some guys I would like to add to your list:

Will Harris - Expiring contract
Michael Brockers
Amani Oruwariye - He has an expiring contract and I could see a desperate team outbidding us

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I think we will upgrade our secondary in the draft, so I could see Will Harris and Oruwariye both gone. Vaitai is definitely gone since he seems to have been on IR more than he actually played. I think Sudfeld was kind of the best we could do at the time given what was available, but he should surely be upgraded. Lastly, I think we upgrade a few of these OL that either didn’t seem to play well or were injured most of the time….Kramer, Stenberg, skipper, etc

I think Will Harris will be back on like a 2 year 4 million type deal. The coaching staff like him and it is no harm keeping him for depth given that he has played multiple roles in the secondary the last two seasons, knows the defense and the coaching staff obviously like and trust him in a pinch.

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So here is a question: did we lose James Houston’s 4 year rookie contract because we cut him and signed him back on the PS?

I hope we get outbid for his services. He has gotten to the point where some teams were smart enough to look for him in key situations. That list is only going to grow the more he plays and the more teams catch on. My main focus for our entire offseason strategy is getting #25 off the field.

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Houston re-signed a 2 year deal… but still will be ERFa after year 2 and then a RFA after year.

So…. the Lions will need to tender him in year 4 at a higher salary than he would have originally had if he hadn’t been released.


I’m thinking more about the guys they need to re-sign than who they need to cut although they go hand in hand.


These are the key guys and I have a hard time placing importance because they’re all key guys and lots of leadership in there too. There’s no way they can bring all of them back but such is life when you have a good season.

If you guys were to pick one or two of that group to NOT re-sign, who would it be?
I guess I’d pick Eliot assuming that Walker comes back relatively healthy and Anzalone I guess? Depends on the draft.
I think Williams, Chark and Cominsky are must signs, Buggs is up there too.

Austin Bryant is probably gone, too.

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In order, I’d say:
Evan Brown
Anzalone (can’t believe I tryped that)

Anzalone takes a lot of heat from Lions fans, but he made 2 massive plays yesterday. Big 4th down stop in the 1st half. And then on Kerby’s INT with 3 mins left in the game Anzalone leveled Rodgers and he couldn’t step into the throw, ball floated high and Kerby got a gift INT. We probably lose the game without those 2 plays by Anzalone.

I think he’s back next year.


All True, but I believe the heat is warranted at times. Numerous times he trailed in coverage, got juked, etc. I am just wondering if he will be gone if we bring in someone better. If not, he can provide great depth, but an every-down starter from here on out?

I think he is back, but I also think we’ll bring in some competition or at least another backer who can do different things.

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Totally agree.

Harris seemingly looking like an okay-ish cornerback for a few moments early was a total mirage. At this point, he’s worse than just another body out there, because, as you said, he’s a known target for opponents.

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