Poll: Draft Chat Tonight Or Thread

Hey guys,

So, last year, we did a draft thread AND chat.

I’m not against that, as it gives us options, but the problem is the community ends up a bit divided. So I’m running a quick poll to see what you guys would prefer.

Remember, EACH Detroit Lions pick gets its own thread, so there will be a historical record regardless.

  • Thread
  • Chat
  • Both
0 voters

For the record, I’m voting for a thread.

I love the chat, but my reasons are fairly simple:
-there’s always at least 1 person who can’t figure out the chat room, and I spend half the night explaining it
-it divides the community
-the thread basically becomes a chat


I think you have the answer right here.


While chats re nice, sometimes they get to moving way too fast to keep up. I prefer thread.


What time is the thread being posted/chat going up?

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