Post-Day 1 tradition: What would YOU have done in round 1?

None of us are Brad Holmes, but we all have strong opinions on what we may have done differently.

What would you have done yesterday?

Would you have stayed at 6 and taken someone?

If you traded, who would you have taken at 12?

Who would you have taken at 18?


I have zero issues with the trade and pick at 12. I love Gibbs. I am confident he’d have been gone at 18.

At 18, I would have gone Kancey. The team needs help at DT and I think he will have a better career than Campbell.

After sleeping on it, I get it - since the Lions historically have awful 2nd rd drafts, Brad decided to take this year’s 2nd rd picks in the 1st round…it’s just crazy enough that maybe it’ll work!

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post-stealer!! :smiley:

Was there another? Argh! I looked but couldnt see it. Im sorry–can this one get shut down?

Holmes telegraphed before the draft that the mock drafters and national pundits weren’t going to be happy with his selections:

On mock drafts and the gap between what national pundits are saying vs. how NFL teams view things

“No, look, it’s a hard job. I respect them just because I know a lot of work and thought is put into it and a lot of people are talking to different people, you know, externally or even inside buildings. And so, I know that there’s some of that information that is real. So that’s why you probably should look at it, but then there’s also a lot of information that I don’t expect the people that are putting out the mock drafts to know and it’s not their fault. They’re not in medical meetings. So, I look at ‘em, I respect them, but it’s not always gonna be right. And then you just gotta just make the best pick that you can and be confident with it. Post-draft, immediate draft grades when the pick didn’t line up with those mocks, you gotta be willing and comfortable to take the thrashing because they didn’t line up with the mock.”

He and Dan were more concerned about “getting their guys.” And the “medical meetings,” wonder if that was an indirect reference to Tyree’s lis franc injury?



I like the trade down and the value. I think it was @Air2theThrown who said it in another thread - we got scooped at 5 with Seattle stealing Witherspoon. So Brad was prepared to not just take the next guy on his board and traded back for value. ie. he didn’t panic.

But, I beleive he had two players in mind at 12: Bijan and Skorinski. So, if this was true, we again got scooped; the board was just not going our way. I think this time Gibbs was a little bit of a panic pick. If there was enough time, I would have tried to trade down again – but now his options were limited - you have GB at 13, and Pgh/NE working out a trade. Someone said Washington had eyes on Gibbs so he had to get in front of them.

If I couldn’t trade back, probably would have went with Broderick Jones as a better value at that point, but I don’t hate the Gibbs pick.

Campbell pick - I love it, agree with it 100%. I thought we were going Gonzo, but if we were, we got scooped again. Campbell is going to be a stud for us for 8 years.

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No, this is good. I was talking to the Kaliente - I said last night that the reason we took those players in the first was to avoid taking them in the second, LOL. All good!

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My guys were JSN and Nolan Smith.

I’m not freaking out though… because I do like the players we got… just a bit surprised because of the positional value…. and the pundits didn’t have have them that high…
but there was a lot of smoke about Gibbs yesterday…
and I didn’t think Jack would make to pick 48 all along.
IDK if Jack would have been picked before 34…. but it was clear they wanted him.

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Assuming the trade down still happens, I would have taken Gonzalez at 12. 18 gets really interesting depending on whether or not Gibbs lasts that long. For this thought experiment I’ll say he gets taken before 18. With the speedster off the board, I’m filling that need in the middle of our defensive line with Kancey or Mazi Smith. Probably Kancey because he adds the interior pass rush that we currently have to move our DEs off the edge to get.

Aren’t people tired of the “what would you do threads”. Just mean, clearly there was something off if they didn’t take a guy we wanted. They didn’t take AR15 so they must not be as high on him bs Goff as some thought possible. They didn’t like kancey as much as some and coveted Campbell……s

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When I saw that they picked up 34 from Arizona, I was really happy because I thought it would be for Campbell. But I heard rumors that he was going late round 1, too, so yeah, get your guy and don’t worry so much about where the mocks have him. Totally OK with Campbell at 18.

Apparently, the expert on Aaron Donald realized Kancey’s no Aaron Donald.

But what would you do??? Sorry, bro, this is just good old fun!

Yeah, I just don’t get it. He was a DT from Pitt and he was undersized, geesh it was right there for us!


It’s clear that the regime now is not big on the BPA available approach. They evaluate and like who like—experts or mock draft be damned.

I actually like Gibbs more than Campbell. I think Gibb’s athleticism and speed can create huge match-up problems for teams. Move him on the field a lot. No linebacker is covering here. I honestly see him and a McCaffrey type player, especially as a receiver.

I know brother, I gots mad respect for ya……

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I absolutely don’t think we did a panic pick. This is what he is best at. It’s a prepared and little on the fly in my opinion.

If they wanted Bijan they would have just taken him. They either thought Gibbs was a better fit or that there wasn’t enough difference between the two. And I agree they wanted Spoon.

I’m not kidding about MA’s. They are a mortal sin to this regime. It’s why certain players are gone……kancey was allowed to “do you and ■■■■ Shit up” and he had a lot of MA’s.


I think they saw a hole in their run game and the obvious problems with mobile QBs and felt there was only a limited number of solutions and needed to make sure they got their guys. We drafted for need this year instead of for what fell to us. Maybe that’s a good sign.

But man did I like the Eagles draft.


Maybe the front office played the game of …

Would you rather have…

Only Bijan at No. 6 overall

Or Gibbs at No. 12 and another starter at No. 34 overall.

Seems like an easy choice when you look at it that way.