Post-FA Depth Chart w/ Contract Details

I figured I’d update my best guess of a depth chart and also include contract details so we can really see where we stand and get a better idea of positions Holmes & Co. might be targeting in the draft based on the long-term build of the roster. Most of this should be accurate (pulled from OTC), but some things could be off. Still waiting on some contract details too.

Added some details on dead cap money if the Lions choose to trade or cut some of the bigger money guys in the next few years. Hope this is useful for you all:

Brockers and Vaitai look to be prime candidates as options to free up cap next offseason if they want to free up money…
Brockers would free up 10m and only carry a 1.9m dead cap hit
Vaitai would free up 7.7m and only carry a 3.4m dead cap hit



Also point out that if Walker sucks or they want to upgrade in 2 years, it’s a pretty cheap out. Can free up almost 8m in cap if he’s moved during the final year of his contract.

Also, the Lions have 20m in dead cap this season. $17m of that will go to Ragnow (+9m) and Walker (+8m). Something to be mindful of when we’re discussing that dead cap coming off the books next year. Most other increases are in line with what you would expect. That 20m in dead cap is already offset by cap hit increases to players on the roster.


An you create two holes I can see Brockers i doubt Big V

10 mill for a gaurd is too much. They could look to draft his replacement in the mid rounds of this draft.

They also have a couple of players on the team they can develop to replace him. ( Kraemer, Brown, Stenberg,)

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