Projecting the offense on the Lions 53-man roster during Detroit's OTAs

Thats exactly what i have for the offense.
Still debating
T. Smith vs I. williams for WR6.

T. Smith proven decent depth veteran


i. Williams. The young unproven rookie that just recently became a WR. But was highly productive.

I think Sean McKeon will make the team. Only question is, will that cost Mitchell a spot or reduce the number of WRs to 5.

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It’s annoying when journalists don’t keep up with the rules, but the only way the Lions carry 3 QBs is if Hooker is miles behind where he needs to be and Sudfeld wins the backup job. Otherwise, Sudfeld is going to be on the PS and a game day elevation as the emergency 3rd QB, which is now allowed for all games rather than limited to a specific number.

Also very unlikely that we carry 9 OL, we carried 8 all last season and 9 would just be wasting a roster spot when Dan Skipper isn’t going to get claimed off the PS by anyone else.

So not knowing the rules, not knowing the Lions roster trends, and splitting the roster exactly 50/50 between offense and defense (most rosters are heavier on defensive players for ST purposes), really makes me wonder how much he actually knows about what he’s writing.


Yes. I think we keep two QB’s, not three. I also think Awosika beats out Sorsdal.
Of course its way too early for this, but what else are we gonna do?


There isn’t going to be an even split, IMO.
No way they carry 3 QB for all the reasons you mention, plus it’s Sudfeld.

I’m leaning toward 9 OL.

Right now
2 QB
5 WR
4 TE
4 RB
9 OL

Mitchell is my bubble guy on offense. He needs to show out on offense or develop some ST chops to make it.